*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Friday, February 11, 2011

Girl Scout Cookies!!!

Succombing to the guilt of working, albeit part time, and not being able to really volunteer in school much for Shelagh, I volunteered to be the Daisy Girl Scout Troop Cookie Manager. I figured I could at least do it on my own time. There are 12 girls in her troop and they sold a total of 888 boxes of cookies. This past Monday was pickup day - 74 cases of cookies into mine and another mom's cars and stacked ever so nicely in my basement. Joe and I got the orders organized and they are almost all picked up now. I knew this playroom would come in handy!! And, we have blasted into all 4 boxes of our own. I don't even like them that much, but once you start...

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Greenstylemom said...

I can't wait to get my girl scout cookies!! I couldn't have all those boxes in my basement. I'd eat them ALL!

TexasBlueEyes said...

You shouldn't be so hard on your self about "only" working part time. You are making time for your priorties, which is obviously your cute kiddos, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. If more parents were like that, maybe we wouldnt have gangs, or kids roving the streets acting up. Be proud of your choices and don't look back.