*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Heavy Labor Ice Picking

Beginning Final Result

Can you believe the insanity that was my driveway on Sunday???? Joe went away overnight on Saturday to Ski in Maine with a friend on Sunday. Of course the rain came and temperatures dropped that night and the next morning, while pulling the van out to bring Shelagh to a playdate, my brakes were useless and I slid down the driveway from the half-way point and landed in a snow bank. Thank you, snowbank (didn't think I'd be saying that), which otherwise is a total pain in my ass on most days lately trying to get in/out of my long driveway. I couldn't get back into the driveway when we got home so I managed to Rory and Kelly into the house in front of the TV so I could at least get some salt down before my Mother In Law showed up to sit the little kids after lunch.

The temp was up to the high 40's and I could see the ice melting and releasing from the driveway. It was an opportunity I couldn't let pass otherwise we would be in deep shit later on that night and poor Joe wouldn't have been able to get in. I grabbed the heavy metal gardening shovel and set to work. Thankfully, my neighbor brought over some dirt/gravel he picked up from the city yard to put on top and a gardening edger. The edger was my best friend. It was completely addictive. Loosen the ice from underneath, send cracks upwards to break the ice, shovel to the sunny spots to melt. Despite the fact that my MIL was coming soon, the kids hadn't eaten and were supervising themselves, and I hadn't showered or eaten yet, I kept at it until the whole driveway was done. Then, off to the Girl Scout Mother/Daughter dance with Shelagh!

And if my arms weren't jello enough, the Girl Scout cookie pickup was Monday - 74 cases from the church into my van and then from the van into my house and then sorted by order. At one point on Tuesday I could barely lift Kelly up. Not that she's so light anway! It's Thursday now and my arms are JUST feeling mostly back to normal. Seriously. Could I be wimpier?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

G-d bless you! I don't know where you get you strength from!

Love you all...
Aunt Harlee