*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Roasted Lemon Chicken, Spaetzle, & Dijon Brussel Sprouts

I don't really have recipes for this stuff.  The Spaetzle went over terribly.  It really wasn't good, but it's a heavy carb and was tossed in butter, so who am I to say no.  The dijon brussel sprouts were heavenly.  Usually I just saute them with onions and some salt, but the mustard + some butter was great.  The chicken was done stovetop in the cast iron and finished with lemon slices on top in the oven.


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1 comment:

JFM said...

Looks great!

I need a new inspired kid dinner idea. Have any? I'm sick of pastas, chicken soups and turkey meatballs.