*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Monday, May 19, 2008

Shelaghs 1st Dance Recital

Yes, I cried. Not only for my kid, but for all the other kids too. I choked up dropping Shelagh off beforehand. I blubbered and had a lump in my throat watching all the other numbers. I about lost my shit watching her on stage. She saw Joe waving at her when she first got out there and waved back right away. She kind of froze a few times, but she did some moves and made it off stage in one piece. At the end of the show, all the kids were on the stage with their trophies. When I went back stage to get her, she said "Mommy, whose tulips are those?". I think getting the flowers was her favorite part.

Here is Shelagh beforehand all dressed up in her costume. While applying makeup to my 4-year old was a bit disconcerting, I think she looked so beautiful in this picture. Don't worry...I won't be sneaking lip gloss and mascara onto her regularly. I thought I was pretty subtle with just a little brown eye shadow, a small amount of brown mascara (she has insanely long eyelashes too), a small bit of blush and lipstick (which looks darker in this pic than it did on her. Oh well).

And here she is giving her best "CHEEEEEEESE" while simultaneously annoyed that we insisted on taking a bunch of pictures:

I'm so proud of her!

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