*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

I know it's supposed to get to 87 degrees today but we have later plans today and Kelly is early napping in prep for fireworks tonight.  As a result I've accomplished SO much today in the kitchen - FINALLY!
  • Black Bean Salad - Soaked the beans, used leftover corn on the cob, and tomatoes with some salt and olive oil.  Shelagh has rejected all sandwiches, but she loves bean salad, thankfully.
  • Cut back lettuce from garden, wash & bag - I only cut back 2 plants out of the 8 or so I have that are totally overgrown.  Holy too much lettuce.
  • Made 4 different Salad Dressings (3 from Gywenth Paltrow's new book: Anchovy Vinaigrette, Standby Vinaigrette, Balsamic Lime Vinaigrette and I used a Martha Stewart recipe for Raspberry Vinaigrette) - If I'm going to drown in lettuce b/w the CSA and all that I planted (TOO MUCH!), I need the dressings and lettuce prepped in advance.
  • Make reduced Balsamic for Tomato, Mozzarella, & Basil Salad a la Pioneer Woman
  • Wash & Prep Swiss Chard - Will likely cook with the anchovy vinaigrette
  • Braised Baby Bok Choy - w/ Chicken broth, butter, and sesame oil
  • Pit Cherries - These have been sitting around uneaten.  So happy for the $12 cherry pitter I got last year!

The strawberry jam I made a couple of weeks ago.  It was insanely ripe and delicious.  Yum.

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