*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cat Problem

Squeaky has been officially contained. She is not happy about it, but I don't think she realizes that this is her only option. She has taken to peeing and pooping all over our basement/renovated playroom over the last couple of years and it's disgusting. I've tried a number of things and there is no medical reason, other than the fact that she is clinically obese, for her to be doing this so it's likely behavioral. We had 4 litter boxes for the 2 cats for awhile and it seemed to work temporarily, but then it was back to the old ways. The last shelter I called suggested crating her and only letting her out supervised for awhile, so that's what we're doing for now.

Yesterday was her 1st day in the crate and she spent a good 3-4 hours laying in her litter box. I should have gotten a picture of that. It was clean at the time, but still. Hopefully this doesn't create new problems.

When I first put her in she meowed a bit and Rory said "Mommy, Squeaky is sad". I wanted to say "No Shit. I'm sad she peed all over my basement", but I refrained. Shelagh had a meltdown this morning about Squeaky being in the crate which is ridiculous since she never liked either cat to begin with. And so started my day...
Here are Shelagh and Rory keeping Squeaky company. Shelagh is showing her pictures of her friends to cheer her up. She also asked Squeaky if she understands she can't pee in the basement anymore and then told me Squeaky shook her head No.

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