*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What I Love About Being Pregnant Right Now

The simple things...
  1. Elastic waistbands on my pants.
  2. Rationalizing that eating 4 mini-peppermint patties a day is okay b/c a) it fulfills my sweet need and b) after all, it is a "low fat food". Haha. Thank you, Costco, for selling these by the case.
  3. Shelagh and Rory like to give Baby Belly zerbits (who the hell knows how to spell that) and kisses.
  4. I don't have to change the cat litter or pick up stray cat poops (yes, we have stray cat poops, although Lickey Cat is in the crate now so that's stopped).
  5. I sleep really heavily. Yes, I get up to pee, but then it's deep slumber with lots of weird dreams.
  6. My fingernails grow REALLY long, REALLY fast. It's not like I file or paint them or anything, but at least I feel kind of girly.

I'm sure there's more, but that's what is on my mind today.

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