*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Thursday, March 25, 2010


The sun is shining. The sky is blue. The tulips are poking out of the ground. My kids left the house all smiling and hugging this morning. Kelly's trifecta of horrific rash, super-swollen molar, and ear infection has subsided, so she slept all night and woke up calling out "Mama" to me followed by a super-Kelly-hug (is there anything better?). Rory told me this morning that he was giving all his love to me today (how is it that your kids are intuitive and know just what to say and when to say it? It's uncanny). Shelagh proudly went off to school with her first project about penguins (pictures coming later). She worked all weekend on it and waited until Thursday to bring it in on her favorite day. No one is bothering me at work today. My iPhone sound is working again so the headphones are in as I plug away.

Life is constantly challenging us. You keep taking hits and you move forward. And, you look at your beautiful family and the blessings in your life and you refuse to let the tough stuff pull you down or negativity impermeate. And you move on. I'm having a huge "I Appreciate" day.

New Thought: Sometimes I feel like Lt. Dan tied to the mast on the shrimp boat with Forrest Gump during the storm at sea when he screams at God to bring on whatever he can. And then the storm stops and he is a new, appreciative man ready to face life again. Except I have legs and not such a scraggly head of hair. So I guess that's another plus for me!

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