*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kelly & Rory

Rory and Kelly get lots of time together since they are home with me during the week on my 2 non-work days while Shelagh is in school. They love to hug and wrestle and roll around. Look how big she looks standing up proud next to him. He wanted a series of pictures of him holding his ski helmet like Luke holds his orange jumpsuit helmet (Luke as Red 5 from Star Wars 4). Kelly siddled in at the end. The next one is Kelly adoring her big brother as he SMOTHERS her in kisses, which he likes to do. This is very cool if you are on the receiving end of his love (caveat: if he does this first thing in the morning, but after you've showered you now have his bad morning breath smeared all over your face).

Kelly LOVES going potty. She is happy to cheese during the act (I've helped her with some modesty). Rory, while Kelly naps, sometimes likes to watch a show on TV. With that comes being completely wrapped up in The Boat (a favorite couch blanket at our house).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute!!

Love you........

Aunt H.