*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Another Bat - Holy Crap

There I am sitting at dinner with a friend on Thursday night, enjoying my first sips of Chardonnay. The phone rings and it's my house/the babysitter. Big sigh. I answer and get "There's a bat in the house". Oh, any Joe is away at a work conference. I actually have to find a way to deal with this. Shelagh is hysterical, Kelly is sleeping in her room, Shelagh and Rory are hiding with the babysitter in the playroom. Thank GOD both of my neighbors were home and I could borrow some men to deal with this for me. Otherwise, I think I would have grabbed Kelly screaming hysterically through the house and driven to a hotel. Seriously.

So, the doors were propped open and we searched for 10-15 minutes to no avail (with my hair piled into a tight bun under a hat!). We settled on "it must have flown out" and I, nervous-on-the-inside-chirpy-on-the-outside, shepherded the kids to my room to sleep with me. Shelagh would not calm down or rest to fall asleep, so I brought them downstairs with me at 830pm so I could shove some food in my mouth. As we came down the stairs I spotted it out of the corner of my eye circling the living room. I hustled the kids outside and ran back to my neighbors house. While I spent the next 10 minutes explaining to Shelagh that I hadn't lied to her before when I said it was gone, my neighbor found it on the floor of the fireplace and calmly picked it up with a towel to bring outside.

I'm pretty sure it came down from the top floor. The door had been otherwise closed other than the one time it was opened that morning, so I stuffed a towel under the door and the 3 of us hid in my room for a night of thrashing, tossing and turning, moaning, and overall completely shitty sleep.

All of yesterday was spent looking over my shoulder and mistakenly looking at testimonials and pictures of bat excavations from the company that is coming today to inspect the roof/top floor for entry point(s). This is top of the list of the things that creep me out the most. So happy Joe is home!!

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