*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Monday, August 17, 2009

TV: Mad Men Premiere

If you aren't watching Mad Men, add it to your TiVO/DVR Season Pass List for Season 3 and get the DVDs for Seasons 1 and 2 ASAP! Awesome show. I don't think I've written much, if anything, on this previously (I looked but it certainly could be buried somewhere). Forgive me if I'm repeating myself, but THIS SHOW IS AWESOME. If you haven't heard much about it, essentially, it's about the 60's advertising world at work and their respective lives at home.

Joe and I watched Season 1 on repeats before Season 2 last summer and Season 3 premiered last night. We stayed up to watch it at 10pm last night and it was just so good. Stylish, provocative, emotionally charged. I don't know how much else I can say without spoiling it. The characters are so well developed and complex. Don Draper is the main character who has basically a double life - a past that no one really knows about and a current life that is surface and polished on one side and sordid and shady on the other. There is drama in the office, drama at home, drama on the sly.

Last night addressed Don and Betty having their surprise 3rd baby (after both spouses have cheated, separated and gotten back together), how Sterling Cooper is dealing with the recent purchase by a British company (wicked office politics), and how Peggy has moved fully into the mans world of advertising as the only female account person in the office. It also touched on Sal and his hidden homosexuality finally. Don was off on a business trip and easily moving towards other women despite how far he and Betty have had to come. I liked that they continue to show him flawed. If he was just kissing Betty's ass at home it would deter from his character I think. While you can't believe he's doing it again, it fits. Pete freaked out about some office stuff and I liked that too...he is immature and always feels entitled so I liked his being shown as holding back, but still harboring, some serious unprofessionalism - especially against Ken's smooth exterior (although that's fake I'm sure). Peggy is more confident this year which I also was pleased with...she can't continue to do well there riding on luck with a few ad campaigns alone...she has to develop some confidence and really start to run with the boys to keep up.

I'm so glad this show is back!

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