*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fish Fridays

Fish on Fridays for Lent... This past week I made sauteed Alaskan Cod (frozen from Trader Joes - a little tough but ok) with a pineapple-mango salsa on top; blue potatoes, baby zucchini, and roasted mushrooms.  It looks better than it tasted but it was pretty good.  The mushrooms were going bad so I threw them on the tray with the potatoes which I roasted with just olive oil and salt.  The zucchini were so cute, but of course I overcooked them.  I just sauteed them in a pan, but I let them go a bit too long.  The salsa was the best part - chopped pineapple, mango, yellow pepper, red onion, avocado, salt, and a squirt of lemon juice.  Very yummy, but now I have tons left and no idea what to do with it.  I may eat it with the leftover chicken from Sunday.  The kids were iffy on it.  Shelagh didn't like the pepper and Rory didn't like the avocado or onion.  Pains in my ass. 

1 comment:

JFM said...

I wish I lived closer for all your extras!