*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Just Being Kids

I came to an unpleasant realization about myself recently. I have a lower tolerance than I'd like for letting the kids just be kids. Being a generally Type A, semi-rigid person (I'm probably being generous here) who likes routines and has distress when things get out of my control are just some reasons I get impatient with the kids. In stepping back and really looking at some of the things that they have been doing that irritate me, I've come to the conclusion that some of these things are NO BIG DEAL. The kids are generally just being kids. I think I've spent so much time in my life taking care of myself, of things, of people around me and of making sure that everything is in place and things are moving forward that I forget that everything doesn't have to have a purpose; that silliness is fun; that letting loose is not only good but necessary. I'm working on lightening up. It's hard. While I like to have fun and am generally a person who laughs and likes ridiculous stuff, I have a very serious side and the two rarely mix. Thank God that Joe embraces this so easily and naturally. I need to take a lesson out of his book in this case and just slow down, appreciate the moments, and have some FUN with them. Motherhood is not all about taking care, doing, cleaning, organizing, scheduling, and manners. PLAY.

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