*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sauteed Fiddleheads

I used to eat Fiddlehead Ferns in Burlington, VT at Sweetwaters, the restaurant where I worked during college. Vermont was into the whole "eat local/eat organic" scene way long ago and the chef at the restaurant had good relationships with some local farmers. Every April/May we'd have 2-3 weeks of Fiddlehead dishes on the specials menu.
I spotted some in the grocery store last week and decided to give them a try again. They taste better than they look. I used a very simple saute recipe from Martha Stewart online and both Joe and I liked them. They were crispy, had good texture and not too strong of a flavor. The kids liked the name and Shelagh tried them. She untwisted them and called them snake vegetables. Rory had no part of them of course.

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