*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Operation "Rory Eat Vegetables" Take 1

I've told Rory that he could have a Bling Bling McQueen (there are a million different Lightning McQueens from CARS movie they try to sell and Rory - and I for that matter - is totally hooked on collecting as many as possible) if he tries 3 vegetables. The kid is determined to get Bling Bling so I saw the opportunity and seized it. Last night I made Honey-Glazed Roasted Carrots from Bon Appetit. The recipe calls for Carrots and Parsnips, but I had real baby carrots from Whole Foods (ie not the bags of carrots you get at the regular grocery) and Rory has eaten them once or twice before. You roast the carrots tossed in olive oil and S & P. The glaze is added at the end and includes melted butter, honey, and balsamic vinegar warmed and mixed together. They were delicious and I ate them cold out of the frig today as well. Rory, on the other hand, did not eat them, but it may have been b/c I rushed him out the door before he was really done with dinner last night. Shelagh had recital pictures and he got dropped off at the neighbors to play until Joe got home. I'll try again tonight with him - either way I'll make them again and probably with the parsnips.

Update: He screamed and refused to take a single bite...even with Shelagh and me eating pudding in front of him. Shelagh agreed to try a scallop for pudding. This kid will do anything for a sweet. Yes, I'm bribing the children with sweets. It works.

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