*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Rory is Potty Trained!

It took a few weeks, but that's really it. Conveniently, he was fully trained before our trip to Disney. It is WONDERFUL not changing 3+ year old boy poop diapers. He loves wearing underwear and it's a whole production picking out a new pair each morning. He is very proud of himself and announces what he produces each time he goes for his daily congratulations. Further, he describes the shapes his poops make - "Mommy, I made a train poop!" Shelagh used to liken hers to letters of the alphabet. Rory seems to lean more towards vehicles or animals, not surprisingly. It is astounding what comes out of little people. Where the hell does it come from???

1 comment:

jen m said...

Good Job Rory! What a big boy - that's so great.