*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Operation Ferber Kelly

Enough is enough. I keep saying it's because she's getting teeth or because she's sick. This kid will not sleep past 5 - it's INSANE! I'm seriously sleep deprived and it's got to end ASAP. She goes to sleep great, she naps great, otherwise she has no sleep issues. This has got to be me tending to her. I do it b/c usually I don't want her to wake up the big kids (who will not go back to sleep if it's early morning). There is no air conditioner for white noise. Shelagh doesn't want the sound machine on anymore (that worked great when Rory woke). If I just nurse her quickly she'll fall right back to sleep.

Step 1 - Weaning. Done this week. I really enjoyed nursing her to a year. I didn't nurse the other kids this long and it was especially rewarding this time for both of us. However, I can't be producing any volume of milk...She's drinking cow milk now and eating regular food, so I think we can call it at this point. She really hasn't fussed to much about it. One time in the middle of the night she was crying and leaning down, but a bottle of water instead quenched her throat and she seemed to move on.

Step 2 - Quash the early morning wake ups. She's been sleeping through but waking at 430ish. Yesterday morning she didn't go back to sleep after waking at 530am. She won't lie still and snuggle and won't even play quietly...she's thrashing and crying like she wants to sleep or stay awake and can't decide.

So, this morning I let her cry it out. It took 57 minutes and was awful. But, she did it and slept until 730 when I woke her so her naps wouldn't get screwed up. I love you, Marc Weissbluth, author of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. My most used and re-used book.

4:53 - She starts fussy crying here and there. I lower the monitor volume and ignore it.
5:16 - She is WAILING at the top of her lungs. Now, of course, I have to pee and decide to get her some water just in case. I give her a chug of water and put her back down. She wails for 5 minutes with me sitting in on the floor hoping I can give her the 5 minute "I'm here but I'm not picking you up" check in.
5:30 - I give up and go back to bed while she continues to wail. Joe gets earplugs and puts a pillow over his head. I lay in bed listening to her cry and pray that the big kids don't get up. Then, I think about the fact that even if they wake up, we have a sitter tonight so I won't have to deal with their wrath later. hehe. I can do this.
5: 36 - She starts to have 10 second quiet gaps. There is hope. At second 11, the crying starts again but louder, if that is possible. My hope is crushed. This goes on for several minutes. Chinese water torture.
5:50 - All crying has stopped. Heaven.

And the big kids slept until 730. Morning 1 complete.

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