*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rory Turns 6

Rory turned 6 yesterday.  The night before he was pretty sad and said he'd rather turn back to 4 then up to 6 so that he doesn't grow up and can stay with me forever (so cute, but I had to restrain my heart melt to convince him that growing up is way cool and that he'll get the opportunity to learn and do so many exciting things.  He finally bounced back when I reminded him that he couldn't chew gum at 4.)

Nonetheless, he had a great day!  He had cupcakes at school with his class.  His teacher gave him this lovely hat and certificate to parade around in and despite the extra attention managed a green card for the day (good behavior).  He chose Mac & Cheese for dinner, more cupcakes for dessert, and presents.  He is counting down to his Lego birthday party scheduled in a few weeks.  He cannot do enough Lego's.  The kid is obsessed with them - Lego kits, Lego clothing, Lego Wii game(s), etc.  I'm going to attempt a Lego cake for his party despite my past failures at cake baking.  How hard can primary colors, rectangles and 1/2  marshmellows be?????? 

Rory with his new Bruins Tim Thomas holding the Stanley Cup picture that Joe picked out for him.  Hopefully to go into his new room (more on that when I take the plunge on buying new bedroom furniture and don't completely fall apart at the idea of getting rid of the baby furniture that all 3 kids have used.  Sigh).

And yet another Lego kit...I think he was miffed that Santa didn't bring him any Star Wars Lego's (even though he did get a Harry Potter kit and Lego Kingdom Prison Tower as well as a Ninjago for Hannukkah).  He does them so fast and then starts thinking of the next one on the horizon.  I anticipate that the Lego themed bday party will bring even more and I'll have to siphon them and let him have them slowly...

The girls were proud to pose with the birthday boy.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Greenstylemom said...

Happy Birthday to Rory!! We also love legos in this house... right down to our Star Wars Lego underwear!

Anonymous said...

As always, love the pictures! The kids look pleased with their gifts, Rory looks happy on his Birthday ("Happy Birthday" Rory!), Shelagh looks beautiful and I love the way Kelly is looking at Rory! Joe looks happy too in the other pictures! Miss you all....Love, Aunt Harlee