*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Please tell me this isn't happening, Please tell me this isn't happening...

I thought as Shelagh yelled out "Mommy!, MOMMY!" at 545am this morning. Of course, I stayed up until 12 last night working on photo albums and swapping out pictures in picture frames, watching TV, folding a mountain of laundry, eating ice cream, etc. Joe is away this weekend and I'm determined to get a few projects done.

It was no joke and it was because she was thinking of the shirt she wanted to wear with the skirt she had picked out the night before. Seriously. Now, Rory was up and I lost my shit. Knock on wood, it's been a great 1st week of room sharing for the kids. They have been sleeping until 645-7+ every day. And, Rory does a nice job of reciting the rules every night before bed:

"What are the rules, buddy?"
1) No talking
2) No singing
3) No wakin up Shelagh
"What are you allowed to do in the morning when you wake up and it's still dark, buddy?"
1) Suck my thumb
2) Play with my blanket
3) and lay quietlly in bed

Off to breakfast at the local greasy joint. Definitely having a big regular coffee today...screw the decaf.

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