*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Saturday, December 5, 2009

1st McD's Trip. Gross.

It's been 8 years since my last fast food experience. Afterwards
confirmed there was a reason. Holy salt. We left late for our trip to
NJ, got stuck

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Okay, let's finish this now...You can send a post to blogger via email, but you can't edit it. Pain in the ass.

Anyhoo...we got stuck in traffic and were still on the road at dinner time. Joe was heading out with one of our friends we were staying with Friday night, so we had to grab dinner on the road which we hadn't planned ahead to do (usually I'd pack sandwiches). McD's it was. I have successfully kept my kids from fast food up until this point. I've never eaten much fast food, other than a gross stint in high school when I had Burger King now and then. I figure you can always at least find a local pizza place if you are out and about and in need of food fast. Reading Fast Food Nation only added a conscience to my decision.

I realize that they will go to McD's and BK at some point and I've not forbidden it by any means, but it won't be me bringing them. Joe lived on it growing up and through college. He doesn't really eat it anymore, but he likes it still and would probably bring them. So, we bit the bullet and you know, they weren't that into it. Shelagh spotted the Mac & Cheese at Boston Market and got that instead and, although Chicken Nuggets and French Fries are Rorys favorite foods, he only ate 2 nuggets and 1/2 the kid-sized fries. I ate the rest of the fries (okay, the fries are good once in a while). I was PARCHED for the rest of the night, which only allowed me to drink a bit more with my girlfriend that night after the kids went to sleep. Now I've reconfirmed why I don't eat fast food.

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