*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bahamas Part II

Just because she's cute and often pretty cooperative with pictures. She pretty much knows how to pose for me now and it's only a matter of time before "Cheese" becomes one of her first words.
Rory nursing "Bruce 2-eyes" before bed... (Bruce the shark from the same resort 2 years ago lost his eye a few weeks ago. This time he got a new dolphin and named him Bruce again so I suggested perhaps Bruce 2-eyes might distinguish the two and the shark is now Bruce the Pirate or Bruce one-eye).

While out for a stroll, the kids stopped to play drums and wear hats set out by the band playing outside at the resort. It was way cute.

The big kids and I went out to explore while Kelly napped one morning and were happy to pose for me, with puppies of course.

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