*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Penne Alla Papalina

I got this recipe for Penne Alla Papalina from a parenting magazine sent home from the school. I've been wanting to try a Carbonara type of recipe (an egg based sauce), but I was concerned about "cooking" the egg or scrambling it accidentally or, on the flip side, having it be totally raw. I tried this Mario Batali recipe and it was pretty good. I did sort of curdle the egg and then I had a stomach ache, but I was fine and Joe liked it. I love prosciutto and I made this with Pappardelle instead of Penne. I would try again next time with a Penne or some other short noodle instead...the sauce stuck to the long noodles fine, but it was hard to get good bites of peas, prosciutto and pasta together with the longer noodle.

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