*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Sunday, April 18, 2010

There is no Easy Way

to say this, so I guess I just will to get it out of the way and move on. Normally, I wouldn't post something as personal as this but since I already announced it, I kind of need to at least acknowledge what has happened. I've been avoiding it but really I've had lots to write about over the last few days and I should just spit it out already.
We are so sad to report that we've lost the baby we were expecting due to a rare genetic disorder called Trisomy 13. It is a chromosome abnormality that is not compatible with life and has very low survival rates both during pregnancy and after delivery. It has been a really shitty week but we're doing better and trying to focus on our 3 beautiful, healthy, and happy children. Here they are...I just can't get enough love and hugs from them right now.

This is a terrible loss for us, but we are so blessed and appreciative for what we have. Never moreso than now. The kids have taken this in stride and seem to feel okay asking questions and talking about it a bit over the last days.
I'm feeling better physically than I did and finally got a non-drug induced sleep last night which I'm so relieved about. My heart has been racing for days, despite almost no caffeine, and I had one night of zero sleep that was just the worst. It seems to have calmed...I guess it's hormones working their way out. Damn hormones.
So, I'm going back to work tomorrow since I'm getting stir crazy from being home and I need something else to focus my thoughts on. Plus I just want to get that first day back over with. People have been really supportive and thoughtful and having such caring family and friends has helped tremendously.
Anyway, that's that.


GreenStyleMom said...

I'm so sorry. I wish I could do more than just give you a virtual hug. Having been through 4 losses myself, I can relate to some of your feelings. You will be in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

thinking of you Sena.
lots of love, Kara