*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Poor Rory

We've been seriously housebound for the last week or so and it's school vacation week so I decided to take the kids to one of those bouncy house places this morning. All fun and games until someone decides to flip over the end of a bouncy slide and flop his body all psycho onto the hard mat on the floor awkwardly. Ironically, the almost vertical slide was not the part that got him hurt; but rather it was his flinging himself over the edge when he was done that did it. He cried for a long time, was all sweaty and could not articulate anything to me. I tried to get him to walk, sit, bend over, lift his arms, turn side to side...he was just a mess. Fruit snacks seemed to calm him down enough for us to get out to the car calmly.

I really didn't know what to do - bring him to the dr? bring him to the ER? bring him home to rest? After talking to the Dr's office and Joe we decided to lay him down at home with some ice, ibuprofen, and lunch and see how he's faring this afternoon. Joe's Dad is a chiropractor so we could always head up there for a quick x-ray and back check, I guess. Totally weird injury for a 4 year old. He fell asleep in the car on the way home almost immediately - I kind of wigged out about that and pulled over to make sure he was breathing. He was, of course. I had this quick flash that maybe he had a massive internal injury and was bleeding to death quietly. I guess that was a bit of an overreaction...no harm in checking :)

Here's Rory under a blanket on the couch recuperating.

Here are the kids at the bouncy house place before "the incident".

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