*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Friday, April 30, 2010

Productive Morning/ Busy Day

-Drop off Shelagh & Joe- check!
-Pick up then drop off bagels at Rorys preschool so I don't have to volunteer with the gardening Spring cleanup day- check!
-Drop off knives to be sharpened - check!
-Miscellaneous car cleaning- fill up tires, vacuum, car wash- check! How nice that one tire was at 15psi instead of 44- oops:)
-Permanently scar Kelly from driving through car wash- man, can she scream when she us freaked out- check!
-Watch Rory flop around the floor at sports class instead of running around. Oh wait - it's kickball - he's in! And he only got picked 2nd to last this week for teams...yeah. (he has no idea - of course - that is my hangup). Holy creepy Dad next to me...future anger management on the playground guy if I ever saw it.

Next, playground, then walk to art show with Shelaghs class. Let's hope Kelly naps on the way. Finally, swim and then I will collapse today!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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