*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No One Likes Getting Peed On

Let's add Shelagh to that group! Rory has backed off of screaming and yelling whenever anyone gently suggested that he might want to try using the big boy potty. Every night before bath he pulls the little stool up, puts the toilet seats up and thrusts his little pelvis towards the bowl. No success yet, but at least he's open to the idea of it. I'm sure it helps that I offered him a bribe of buying him a Mack toy (Cars movie) and lots of car and train underwear once he actually tinkles in the potty.

He often turns and talks while he's doing it and so an accident was really just bound to happen. After brushing his teeth last night, he turned towards Shelagh and weeeeeeeeeeeeee, he peed on her legs. It was truely hilarious, but she didn't find it at all funny. In fact, she completely melted down, screamed that it burned her knee, and could not be consoled. Joe and I were both trying so hard not to crack up. God forbid Rory thinks he's entertaining us and decides to use that thing as a weapon!

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