*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bruised & Old Part 2

Oh, platform bed. Why do you jut out so? Why do you continue to torture me with massive grapefruit-sized bruises and lumps from the inevitable collision with my leg at least once every few months? I suppose having my bed right in front of the door doesn't help matters, but it is what it is.

In addition to the growth the bed caused, which lies conveniently near my 2 spots of broken blood vessels I attribute with love to Kelly and my ginormous baby belly, both my knees have been totally sore for the last couple of weeks. They are fine when I'm walking normally, but any deep knee bends (which I thought were the smart choice to preserve my back when holding a baby) or stairs and they are both achy. Joe keeps telling me to ice them, but alas, that is work. Hey, wait! I have a new ice maker so I won't have to stare at the empty ice trays for days afterwards b/c I'm too lazy to fill them and then put them underneath the frozen ones.

Crows feet, sore back, sore knees, bruises, broken blood vessels and varicose veins. I'm seriously falling apart. On a positive note, pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones do wonders for my hair and nails.


Anonymous said...

Get the best online Platform Beds India from theurbandecor.com.You will find the best of the best.

Concerned Shareholders of Parsons Village said...

Bringing up the life-(and back-)saving wonder patch that Pam HHJ gave me ~ ThermaPatch ~ it's like the lower-back-thing adult-version of a binky. SO soothing...~{:o)