*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ghost Cries

It was Thursday late morning. The kids were at school, Kelly was sleeping, and it had been 2 days without a shower (normal these days unfortunately). The furnace was definitely working so I would get guaranteed hot water and Kelly was out like a light. Long, hot shower, here I come. In I go...The cold water is almost completely off, the perpetual clog was clearing, no congestion for the first time in about a month. Heaven.

Then, out of nowhere come the ghost cries. Did I hear Kelly crying? Poke my head out and nothing. Settle back into the heat and steam. Wait! I swear I hear hysteria. False alarm. Calm, water beating on my back. Am I going crazy or was that some seriously loud cries? Nothing. Even when all the stars align and the hot water doesn't run out and 2 out of 3 kids aren't even home, I can't just let go. Mom forever.

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