*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mom & Baby Weekend

Joe took Shelagh and Rory skiing in NH this weekend, so Kelly and I were on our own. What a little trooper she was! I took this opportunity to organize and do the million errands that never seem to get done. I was inspired by GreenStyleMoms post about all she got accomplished in one day. An impressive feat. A sampling of my no-big-kids weekend day...

Went to Nice Mall first:
  • Went to buy undergarments for the 1st time in a good 4-5 years.
  • Spent Xmas gift card at Lululemon Athletica which has the most ridiculously overpriced and luxourious work out clothes ever. Isn't that what gift cards are for???? I suppose I should start working out again, huh?
  • Exchanged Xmas sweater at Banana Republic for several sale items - I love that. Cargo pants, a shirt, a hoodie sweater, and a belt. All sale items were an additional 40% off. I really get a rush when I get excellent deals.
  • Brought watch but forgot to get new watch battery. Newman.
  • Had a nice lunch with Kelly in the not-so-bad food court. I had a really yummy pink lemonade actually.

Break at home for nap time:

  • Laundry - changed all the sheets and stuff
  • Siphoned through clothes for Salvation Army
  • Threw out > 3 mos worth of magazines
  • Hmmm...I thought I did more than that in the 2 hours Kelly slept...

Went to local crappy Mall (they have a Code of Conduct on the Mall Entrance doors):

  • Replaced broken iPhone car charger (free under warranty - yeah! how did phone chargers end up at $30!!!)
  • Recycled old DVD player and TiVO as well as old cell phone chargers at Best Buy and got new HD cables for our TV. They are sensitive and the screen blacks out randomly which is beyond annoying. Fingers crossed it was the cables and not the whole receiver. Totally forgot to get the cord hider we need and a new DVD player (our current one shows movies in red & green only). How irritating is it thinking you can cross something off your list when, in fact, you forget the reason you were there and still have to go back. Sigh.
  • Attempted to return cleats we bought for Shelagh for soccer that she didn't need without a receipt. Latest sale price would have given me $5 on $20 shoes. No thank you. Posted on Craigslist instead.
  • Went to Bed & Bath to replace broken bathroom items and rug, got new waterproof mattress covers and a new pillow for Joe.
Side note...at the crappy mall I saw a couple with their probably < 2 year old at a mall cart getting her ears pierced. I'm not against ear piercing small children per se (mine were done in when I was an infant), but watching the Dad hold her down was unsettling.

Exhausted Kelly at day end...So sleepy, but so cute.

I'm off to sort papers for the taxes, fold laundry, and do some serious Meal Planning for my AM food shopping before the family returns. Also, tomorrow AM will include hardware store, return to Toys R Us, and drop off Haiti donation goods at neighbors house...they have a direct connection to someone down there so I'm thrilled to help in a concrete way other than sending off cash to who knows where.

1 comment:

GreenStyleMom said...

I feel like I got a lot of nothing done on the day I tracked! You, however, seemed to have a very productive day - even with a baby in tow!