*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Operation Nighttime Underpants Day 5

More pee. This time, the plan was to get him up to go before we went to bed. At 10-something last night Joe went in to wake him up and came out saying "Too Late". Seriously? He did his last pee at 7pm and was COMPLETELY SOAKED! We brought him into our bed after laying down a towel, wrapping him in a towel, and he passed right out. Of course, Kelly slept through the night for the first time in who knows how long and I was up twice anyway carrying him to the bathroom so that he wouldn't pee on me! More importantly, so that he wouldn't pee on my v. expensive Tempurpedic.

Tonight I will have him pee before his tub as usual, again after stories before bed which is usually around 8. I will wake him up before I go to bed around 10-11. I will also lay down a couple of towels between his mattress cover and sheets - I have extra sheets, but no extra mattress covers yet (that's a to-do for this weekend for sure). I will also get him up early to pee and then send him in to rest more with Joe afterwards so he doesn't wake Shelagh.

If all else fails, I'll try those Goodnights (thank you, Nicole!). This is tiring.

1 comment:

GreenStyleMom said...

I think it is so hard to "train" them at night, and unfortunatly it is probably more a matter of time. Kate just stopped wetting the bed regularly a few months ago (so she was 5.5) & up until last summer, she was still using pullups at night. Jack, on the other hand, was staying dry in a diaper all night before he was potty trained. We did no drinks after dinner and woke her up to pee at about 10pm for a long time. Both of those helped but it didn't eliminate her accidents. She eventually just outgrew it.

Good luck!