*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Interesting Intellectual Question in Regards to Puke

This has been paraphrased from a great email from my friend B, who is letting me steal her thoughts...

So Sunday night my son throws up in his bed, on himself, on his comforter, on his sheets, on his rug and then of course leaves a trail to the bathroom. Imagine a full plate of rice pilaf with some milk to make it nice and thick and frothy. Ew. .

Then of course there is the 2-3 loads of laundry, showering him, re-dressing him, opening windows, re-making his bed, showering myself, throwing towels all around his rug to soak up the carnage, lining his bed with new towels, getting him a bowl for future pukes, doing another load of laundry (we can forget the mattress pad or stuffed animals who became targets in the attack) .

The next day I actually found myself in the basement on my fourth load wondering how, for a person that is half my size, his throwing up could be such a monumental, show stopping, catastrophic clean up. Whereas in college, for a grown woman like myself, it was a 5 minute ordeal...where is the logic?

Back to me...
This is an excellent question! I am a smallish person of 5 feet or so who has never been known to hold her alcohol well. I have experienced this first hand and agree that this is a quandry and should be contemplated further...


Anonymous said...


I like your blog. You are a good writer! I love the fire truck cake.

I wanted to thank you for the egg hunt idea. I had 2 children over today and the egg hunt was a hit. I color coded the eggs for each child.

Rita Cohen
cohens3@comcast.net, mckenna@neb.com
(Meg's Mom from dance class)

P.S. We went to dance class Saturday morning only to remember that it was cancelled for Easter weekend. Ugh!

PopMom said...

Welcome! Glad you liked it! I almost took Shelagh to dance too, but remembered at the last minute. See you Saturday!