*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Friday, March 14, 2008

An Old Cake Disaster Story

It is with a great deal of embarrassment that I share this cake disaster story. While discussing homemade birthday cakes with a friend today and having read an awesome "make-your-own-creative-cake" story over at the Cole Mine blog, I recalled the biggest disaster of my cooking/baking life. The 3D Firetruck cake I attempted for Rory's 1st birthday was nothing short of a disgusting mess.

I clearly know that I am a cook and not a baker. Really, I should have used cake mix from a box and not tried for the 3D. But, I let my mom convince me that I could just as easily "whip something up" from scratch. I easily used 2 bottles of red dye to attempt to get the icing fire engine red. The house was hot, the icing was melting, I was completely nauseous from having inhaled WAY too much confectioners sugar, and it was taking a REALLY long time. But, I finished it.

And, it was terrible. It didn't just look like melting puke. It tasted like sugary cardboard. I could tell from my sampling that it wasn't going to work out. The next morning, I secretly bought a cake and after horrifying my family and frightening them into thinking that this was dessert, I took a few pics for posterity and then brought out the much better store cake.

Without further adieu...


Anonymous said...

It looks like this fire truck got too close to the fire and melted. You should be commended for the effort! Next time I suggest going to Shaws.

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Shannon said...

Thanks for the link!

Your cake isn't bad at all! I bet your son would have loved it... That is WAY harder to attempt than my from -a-mix volcano cake...This will be a great story to tell Rory one day.

PopMom said...

TRUST ME...it was terrible!! I am a true devotee to cake mix from that point forward. But, I treasure the story and the laugh the cake got!