*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Movie: Margot at the Wedding

My friend visiting me and I watched Margot at the Wedding last night with a nice bottle of red wine. I really loved this movie. Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Jason Leigh play sisters with a complicated relationship coming together after a long period of not having seen each other. Nicole Kidman is the older sister who is more rigid, thinks things should be a certain way, is more judgemental, and more standoffish. JJL is the younger sister who is more carefree and looks up to her sister yet also slightly resents her and feels sorry for her. It was a fascinating depiction of the complexity and subtle intricacy that is the connection between sisters. It reminded me a bit of the movie Hilary and Jackie, another great movie about the sister bond. This movie just really got at the raw nerves that sisters can aggravate in each other; yet simultaneously, there is no one in the world that understands what you've come from like that person. Anyway, it was intense, but also light (thank you, Jack Black) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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