*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***
Friday, February 29, 2008
Offensive Neighbor at the Gym
Shelagh just asked me what I was laughing at and I told her that the man next to me at the gym had a gas. She said, with the most serious face, "well mommy you can't exercise next to a man that has gas" followed by "mommy, what was the mans name who gassed?" when I told her I didn't know she said "Well you should have introduced yourself". I had to explain that I didn't want to meet the rude man who gassed next to me. She just said again "You have to be really nice to the gas man and introduce yourself." It's tough to send the right messages to your kids. I think I can sum it up with this "Please introduce yourself to people and be polite...unless he or she farts next to you while you are exercising."
Lost Episode 5: Desmond
Move forward to this year and Heroes just sucked. They dragged a bunch of stuff out, introduced crappy new characters, and the heroes had no common purpose. Lost, however, could not be better. Now that they have a finite number of episodes, I would guess that it's easier to map out the storylines and figure out how to start rolling out the answers.
I love the character of Desmond. He is so charismatic and you just want him and Penny to find each other so badly. This weeks episode was fantastic. It is official that there is an element of time travel associated with the island. It's not clear who else might be time traveling outside of the characters in this episode - Desmond, Daniel Farraday, a very creepy Fisher Stevens. They eluded to the "snitch" that Ben has on the boat, but didn't reveal him or her. They connected present time Desmond with present time Penny and I seriously cried. Okay, not so surprising. I couldn't shake "Upham" from Saving Private Ryan from the Daniel Farraday dude, but I think I'm into him now...something about watching him scribble math all over the place was interesting and not as slimy as he previously seemed. All in all, an A+ episode.
Princess Pajamas & Laundry Boy
Rory hopped in the laundry basket and said "Shea-wa, I saved a spot for you!".
Thursday, February 28, 2008
My Picky Eater
When Shelagh was a baby, I made all of her baby food. I gave her a great variety of stuff and kept giving it to her and I think this helped her develop a varied sense of taste. When Rory came along, Shelagh was only 19 mos old. I made some of his food and I used jars for some. I didn't really stick with the variety though - just too busy with 2 babies. For awhile there, he was just as good as her. I could put ANY vegetable in rice or mashed potatoes or pasta and he'd happily eat it. Now, he's got xray vision and can spot a pea buried in anything from a mile away. I did read recently that there is a component to kids taste buds that is predetermined. So, for example, you might be predisposed to having a strong tolerance for bitter foods or for sweet foods. That's all well and good, but even when I give Rory dipping sauces like apricot jam or ketchup or cheese, he doesn't go for it. I wonder how much my methods with Shelagh shaped her tastes and how much was just her natural preferences?
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Timeout for Interupting Facebook
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Lost Episode 4: Kate's Flash Forward
- I totally called it that Kate's 'son' was Aaron
- What's up with that stiff ruffly button up blouse she was wearing in court and the girly heels?
- I love that Kate and Sawyer con together and was surprised that they didn't hook up
- I do not believe Kate when she told Sawyer she wasn't pregnant
- Wondering why Jack doesn't want to see Aaron...is he the real Aaron? is he named after Aaron from the island, but Sawyers? is he Jacks and Jack is afraid of being a Dad b/c of the turmoil in the relationship with his own Dad????
- Locke is really starting to annoy me again. That didn't take long.
Yummy Dinner
The good thing about it though is that the kids don't feel sick and we're having a fun day in the play room! We've taken out almost every toy today, played stickers, painted, watched a little Angelina Ballerina and Bob the Builder, and played instruments. The 3 of us made quite a band today - Rory on boogie-covered recorder humming b/c he doesn't get blowing into it yet; Shelagh on Harmonica with air going in AND out; and me on wood block...wish I had a cow bell. Note to self: have Santa or Hanukkah Harry add to the instrument variety.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Meal Planning wk of 2/22
Last Weeks New Recipe Results:
Wednesday - Broiled Salmon marinated in a teriyaki glaze. Sushi rice mixed w/ sauteed onions and mushrooms. Steamed green beans. I overcooked the salmon unfortunately...I hate that. Kids had some of the rice and black beans w/ some cheddar on top. Rory ate 1 bean. I knew he wouldn't touch the rice, but he gets it anyway and I eat 2 dinners.
This Weeks Plan:
Friday - Joe craved cheeseburger so we got pizza place take-out.
Saturday - Scallops with Porcini Mushroom, roasted broccoli, and rice. This is my moms recipe and it involves browning the scallops, dipping them in ground, dried porcini mushrooms and sauteeing a little more with some broth and chives. SO good. Kids: Chicken, with the rice and broccoli from our meal. I went out while Joe did dinner and bedtime and he reported that Rory did not eat 1 bite and threw a complete fit.
Sunday - Chinese food - great new place near us. I judge Chinese by the quality and color of the Wonton soup and the soup at this place was great. Not piss yellow and good flavor. Yummy wontons too and veggies visible in the broth. Kids had Annies Mac & Cheese - Rory will only eat the Arthur shape. As long as Shelagh is eating as much M & C as possible, she doesn't care what shape or color.
Monday - Pasta something b/c I didn't defrost anything. Kids: probably quesadilla.
Tuesday - Skillet steaks, pasta, sauteed cabbage (saw a recipe for this in one of the magazines). Kids: chicken something?
Wednesday - Spiral Ham, brussel sprouts, roasted potatoes for all of us. I think Rory will actually eat this. He usually picks the ham out of my ham and cheese omelettes.
Thursday - Chicken Thighs with a honey something glaze. Heard it on Sirius on the Martha Stewart channel. I'll have to remember this now or try to look it up on her site. Kids: leftover ham dinner.
Talking Privates in a Cubicle
Rory Cream Cheese
Saturday, February 23, 2008
More Snow Fun
Yesterday, after realizing that I've been terrible about getting the kids outside this winter, I made the executive decision that he was getting his snow stuff on and we were going out while it was still snowing. No amount of monumental tantruming would stop me. Despite shrieking, writhing on the floor, kicking, and boogers running out of the nose, I forced his snow suit and boots on and even his mittens (no small feat) and plopped him down in a mountain of snow. Shelagh loves it and was playing and having fun trying to get him to do it too to no avail. I figured I didn't handle the transition of forcing him to want to play in the snow well so I stood him up at the edge of the garage and driveway. He stood there and watched Shelagh and I make angels and throw snowballs, but at least he stopped crying. Step 2...I let him knock snowballs off my hand to get used to it. I realized at this point that when you can't move (imagine the bundled up little brother from A Christmas Story), you can't use your hands (b/c getting the thumb into the mitten was too much to ask), your snow boots are probably a good size+ too small (why would I buy him new ones), and you look like a girl (Shelaghs hand-me-downs), you might be hesitant to get involved. But, he did! And, he woke up this morning and the first thing he said was "I like playin in the snow".
Friday, February 22, 2008
I Got a Cut
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Latest in Green
- My new SIGG reusable drink bottles! Thanks to Greenstylemom for picking me for the giveaway.
- My new reusable produce bags. While I've gotten pretty good at using my own bags at the grocery store and other stores, I hadn't found a solution to the produce plastic bags. I buy a LOT of fruit and veggies and while I do reuse those bags, it's still making me feel guilty. I went to Reusable bags and ordered their produce bags. Tomorrow will be my first time using them...they aren't see-through, which kind of bummed me out, but hopefully they will still work out okay at checkout.
- I'm recycling my old printer. Instead of chucking it, I'm sending it to Dell. They said to ship my old printer back in my new printer box. It's not a Dell, so I have to make sure they accept other brands. It's on my mental to-do list for tomorrow. I keep stubbing my toe on the huge box in the middle of my kitchen so I'd like to actually accomplish this one.
- In a recent Amazon box, I got a return envelope to send in old cell phones to be recycled to the troops in Iraq so they can call home. My kids don't need all 4 of our old cells, so I'll pop 1 in the mail tomorrow.
- I scolded my friend at work for using Styrofoam cups for his coffee. It was obnoxious of me, but I don't think he cared that I did it - he's used to me making fun of him. He's probably reading this too and quietly laughing at me :) His point that the kitchen area, specifically the dishwasher and sink areas, are disgusting was well taken...I do use the community cups though. I'm rethinking that. I used to wash and reuse my own cup, but I tend to leave old coffee in it for a few days and then it's hard to clean out without touching the NASTY sponge. (Seriously, why can't people just wring it out??? It wouldn't be so smelly if that small step was taken).
- Instead of chucking my massive magazine collection each month, I bring them to the gym.
- I've tried to unsubscribe from the majority of the catalogs I receive thanks to CatalogChoice. This is a great site you can use as a central location from which to look up catalogs you receive and unsubscribe. You can register multiple names in your household and their directory has everything you can think of. I know this b/c I was getting my grandmothers mail after she passed away and she was subscribed to some random publications. It says it can take up to 2 months for the requests to be processed by the individual companies. I think most of mine have stopped. This should slightly curb my online ordering habit. You'd never know that I actually work in marketing and that while not directly responsible for direct mail and catalogs, the work I do starts that process. Bad me. Bad me.
- It may be too late at this point, but I'm going to try to research and select a CSA where I can get most of my fruits and veggies for the Spring into the Fall. Usually you have to buy your shares around Jan-Feb. I tried this last year and while the produce was organic, it was shipped from all over the place and that defeated half the purpose. This time I'm going to try to find more local and at least organic in spirit if not certified.
- Last, but not least, my goal for this Spring is to start a compost. I grow herbs and some veggies and I produce A LOT of plant waste that I could use for the garden. I'm researching now and will update once I decide upon my course of action.
Everyday Food: 50 No-Recipe Meals List
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Top 5 Standby Meals
If I haven't meal planned, I just grab meat and some veggies while shopping for some of these standby dinners...all are fast and great for during the week. For the meat dishes, I would put couscous or rice or pasta on the side and whatever veggie I have on hand. Here they are in no particular order:
- Breaded Chicken Cutlets: These are great to do b/c both kids eat them anytime. They are also good in a sandwich as leftovers.
- Broiled Pork Chops w/ Adobo: Also quick and easy. My mom introduced me to Adobo, a spice by Goya, and I use it on everything and anything...pork chops and veggies most often.
- Pasta with Cannellini Beans: Also from my mom, who is a chef by the way and a great source for recipes. Saute some garlic in a little olive oil with some oregano. Add a can of Goya Cannellini beans with the liquid and let them cook down for about 5-10 minutes. Toss with pasta and add cheese. One of my favorite winter pasta meals.
- Pasta with Roasted Red Pepper sauce: I would roast 2-3 red peppers at some point during the week and puree them. Saute some garlic in olive oil, add in the red pepper puree and some salt. After a minute or two, add a splash of cream and stir. Toss with pasta and add cheese.
- Broiled or Grilled Flank Steak: While this marinade sounds sketchy, it is really great. For each lb of beef, use 1/4 cup ketchup to 1/8 cup soy sauce. I usually let the meat marinate in this for the whole day or even overnight and then broil to rare/medium rare.
Tax Prep Done and a Couple of Movies
Yeah! So that is how I spent most of my sick day :) What a huge weight off my shoulders. My method is this:
- Allow investment statements, bills, and other filings to pile up from February through December. In January, I'm still diligent about filing. Put them in an unused room on the top floor where no one can see them or think about them.
- Bring file containers and piles of paperwork down to living room in December with good intentions of organizing everything in January before the W2's arrive.
- Stare at above piles until late February - early March. Similar staring happens with clean laundry waiting to be folded.
- Finally, organize everything for the year into those things that go along with the taxes and need to be stored, the things to actually send to the accountant, throw out whatever is possible, and file the remaining junk.
I'm proud to report that I've gotten it all together and will send it out to the accountant tomorrow! That is actually a month earlier than usual - Glory! We still usually have forms trickling in until March, but at least the bulk of my part is done. Now I just have to get my act together to do my Mother-in-Laws taxes. Hers are pretty easy, but I've never done them before April. Pathetic.
I watched 2 movies I had taped on the DVR while I did this; well, sort of watched. The Weather Man with Nicholas Cage and Lara Croft: The Cradle of Life. I know...both sound pathetic, but both were perfect for this particular activity of half-watching, half-working. Weather Man wasn't too bad - depressed guy deals with his mediocre life. It was pretty funny watching him get shakes and sodas thrown on him each time someone drove by and was pissed about the weather. Lara Croft was pure action candy. I admit it. I like Angelina Jolie. She was a bad-ass in the first one and in this one too. Plus, Gerard Butler was in this one who was awesome in 300. Overall, a decent movie. I feel almost back to 100% health-wise other than a minor throat scratch remaining. Unfortuntely, Rory is starting to cough, so I don't think this bout of sickness is over in the house.
TV: In Treatment
HBO also put out Tell Me You Love Me which was a show about 3 different couples in therapy who were in different stages of their marriages (1 new couple, 1 married with 2 kids losing some luster, and 1 couple unable to conceive). I watched this and thought it was also really well done. It was hard to watch b/c I think it was more raw. Also, it had a LOT of gratuitous sex. Some sex you'd expect, but it was a bit too much and too much zooming in on all the parts, if you know what I mean. Plus, they had the older therapist having sex with her husband. I'm thrilled for older people if they are still having and enjoying sex, but it's TOUGH to watch! I suppose that's part of the reason why the show was good...seeing the unexpected.
I will watch any original series that HBO puts on. While I haven't loved all of them, I can say that all of them are more unique and well written than 90% of what the networks put on. I'll do a separate post on the HBO series and my opinions on those.
"Working at Home"
Shelagh was really sweet yesterday. She said she would take care of me if I let her watch a Little Einsteins and a Super Why episode, which I did of course b/c then I could just curl up on the couch under a blanket and wait for Joe to come home and deal with the bedtime stuff. When we got home, she put her shoes and coat away and did Rory's too and said she would be my good helper. It was so cute. I also let her have a few of her Valentines treats from the bag she brought home from school since she missed the party. Maybe she knew I couldn't yell at her even if I wanted to...kids are sharp like that.
This morning I dropped both kids off at the home care where Rory goes on my work days and will split the day between working from home, reading and resting (want to finish my book 'I love you, Beth Cooper'. it's an ok book, but I'm waiting for a new one to come from Amazon that I really want to read), and maybe I'll food shop before I pick up the kids. Oooo...maybe I'll go to Whole Foods and stroll slowly through the produce and meat depts...one of my favorite things to do when I'm shopping on my own. I will surely spend too much...I better go through some recipes and make a list.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Meal Planning Wk of 2/16
Last Weeks New Recipe Results
Chicken Stroganoff: This was not that great. It would probably have been fine with either chicken thighs instead of breasts or a combination of breasts and thighs. The chicken was too dry.
Garlicky Pork Ribs on Greens - These came out terrible. I used bok choy and I overcooked the pork ribs. Won't make this again. I want to find a better recipe for the Country style pork ribs. They are really inexpensive and marbled and could be really good if cooked correctly.
Salmon - Didn't make it. Will move to this week.
This Weeks Plan
Saturday: Parents were up and mom made braised short ribs with mashed potatoes and a gratin of sliced potatoes and celeriac. I love short ribs and these were great.
Sunday: Mom made chinese-style ribs and quesadillas which were good.
Monday: Had pizza kids dinner at friends house
Tuesday: Leftover short ribs, mashed potatoes, will make a veggie - green beans or brussel sprouts probably...just clipped a brussel sprout recipe where you separate the leaves and saute them with a raisin and lemon vinigrette that sounded good. Kids:
Wednesday: Salmon, brown rice and quinoa, don't remember what I have for veggies at home, but something green. Kids:
Thursday: Pasta w/ white cannellini beans or veggies, depending on what I have that might be getting ready to go bad.
Friday: Maybe we'll go out...
Lost Episode 3: Top 10 List on PopCandy
Monday, February 18, 2008
Now I'm Sick...
Tantrums of the Day
Rory ate his yogurt and then asked for his lunch sandwich, which he skipped b/c he was too tired and went in for nap early instead. I gave him a turkey sandwich - he decided he didn't want turkey and insisted on having PB&J. Upon refusing his request to remake his lunch, he then threw a psycho tantrum of his own.
I was strangely calm about it today and just ignored both of them putting their shoes on so that we could go have fun at our friends house, God Dammit. The best part was Shelagh, who had already calmed down, telling me that she didn't like it when Rory cried b/c it hurt her ears. She followed that by explaining to him that he can't just ask for a different lunch and waste what Mommy had made him. Seriously.
Rainy Day Monday
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Movie: Gone, Baby, Gone
Friday, February 15, 2008
Lost Episode 3: I LOVE SAYID!
I thought it was interesting that Sawyer was able to accept and verbalize to Kate his desire to stay on the island. I think it really shows him accepting and owning up to what he's done in his life previously. It's like he finally realizes that he hasn't lived on the up and up and would rather start his life again. A pretty tender moment for him...I think this kind of self-evaluation is what is going to start to separate the survivors. I'm wondering if the Oceanic 6 weren't chosen, but rather if that's the only group of people that actually decide to leave while the rest choose conciously to stay. Rose is cancer free there, so maybe she and Bernard would stay. Claire didn't have much going on in Australia and maybe she's scared to bring Aaron back there or give him up at this point. Sun is pregnant and couldn't be off the island plus they are kind of running from her dad. Locke doesn't want to leave. I'm thinking, in addition to Jack and Kate and Hurley, that Desmond, Juliette want to go. Did Sayid actually say at any point that he was part of the O6? Perhaps only 6 take the public scrutiny and others get off the island, but go "into hiding" or something like Witness Protection.
Once again, I don't feel like any questions were answered, but I felt strangely satisfied this time...I normally don't from Lost. Maybe now there will be more than 8 episodes since the writers strike is over. Hopefully. I thought I had read that Michael and Walter would be back this season, but who knows if that will be true if they stick with the 8 completed episodes for this season.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Little Sick Girl Part 2
Bye Daddy...
Happy Valentines Day, Mr. Creme Egg
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Blister that Shattered the Girl...and other sensitivities
Rory has some sensitivities as well. For example, today, while eating his grilled cheese for lunch, he discovered some "stems" on the edges of his sandwich. These are the drippy melted parts of the cheese that cool off and stick out. When he finds one of these "stems", he just cannot continue eating and screams for me until I promptly remove it. Could he just put it down? Of course not. Could he just realize that it's CHEESE? Of course not.
Other Shelagh things:
- She must bring her own plate, spoon/fork, milk to the table. If you make the mistake of trying to help or set the table prematurely, you will be scolded and she will return the items in question only to repeat their delivery personally. The same goes for removing dishes before she has decided whether you may remove them for her or if she needs to put them in the sink herself.
- She doesn't like her cheese to be broken. I keep meaning to ask the deli people to "fan" the cheese so I can peel it apart more easily. If there are no other "perfect" pieces left, she will reluctantly accept a broken cheese.
Other Rory things:
- He needs to turn the water on and off himself while attempting to brush his own teeth. I predict future dental work will be needed.
- He doesn't like you to put food on his spoon for him and if you do, he dumps it out and starts again.
- While walking from the garage to the house, he has to walk a specific route making sure to walk over this square cut-out where the driveway meets the garage floor. If he misses it, he goes back. Seriously.
I'm sure I'll think of more later...The drama in this house is unreal. We must pick our battles.
Little Sick Girl
Little Miss Shelagh has had a fever since yesterday afternoon at school. She doesn't seem to have any other symptoms though. I hope it isn't anything b/c I'd hate for her to miss her little Valentines Party at preschool tomorrow. We skipped her swim class today and won't be going to our friends house after nap. I'm usually a stickler about limiting TV for the kids, but it's been a TV extravaganza today. Super Why, Little Einsteins, Sesame Street...it's terrible, but I'm getting a lot done anyway and at least they are good shows and not just movie after movie.
Some of Shelaghs awesome quotes from today...
"Mommy, when you're making breakfast [and not sitting with me], it makes me sicker"
"Mommy, I'm very sick today. I need you to do all my jobs"
"I can't carry 2 cups...I'm very sick and my hand might get sick"
"I need a juice and a hug and lots and lots of snuggles"
"When you do computer, you aren't snuggling me""Mommy, I want to tell you a truth!" - This is one is rooting from our new little issue about fibbing. We're trying to talk to her about telling the truth, so now she thinks every statement is her telling "a truth".
By the way, Mr. Noodle really wigs me out.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Reusable Bottles Giveaway


Sunday, February 10, 2008
Meal Planning wk of 2/9
Last Weeks Results
- Turkey & White Bean Chili (from Everyday Food) - This was just ok...the turkey was too dry in my opinion - to do this again, I'd need to mix the ground turkey with either pork or dark turkey meat I would think. Too much liquid too.
- Sausage & Peppers w/ Polenta; This came out surprisingly good. It was from Real Simple magazine - it had only a few ingredients and didn't take long to make. I used that roll polenta they sell in the international section of the store. It was really good and I'll definintely experiment with it more. I sauteed it in olive oil and added salt...that's it! It was so good and I bet it would be awesome as an appetizer with a cool cheese sprinkled on top, sauteed shallots or onions, or mushrooms maybe.
- Steak, quinoa, asparagus; The steaks were crappy. I'm done with the butcher shop I bought this from...they have great steak tips, but both the sirloin steak and the rib eye were not good. All I did was broil them, which I usually do, but I could taste the difference...it was just nothing. Had escarole instead of the asparagus and either pasta or wheat rice insead of the quinoa which I have yet to try.
- Shrimp, wheat rice or pasta like a scampi, broccolini; Sauteed the shrimp with some snow peas and had with wheat rice. It's easy to keep shrimp in the freezer since you can defrost it under running cold water in like 5 minutes.
- Saturday - Out to dinner. Kids had chicken and fries.
- Sunday - Made a leg of lamb, mashed potatoes, and asparagus for all of us. Got the Braised Boneless Leg of Lamb with 20 Garlic Cloves recipe from my favorite meat cookbook called The Complete Meat Cookbook by Bruce Aidells and Denis Kelly. This is my go-to book for any kind of roast - beef, pork, lamb. It's just great. Everything is easy and nothing has come out bad. It was so good.
- Monday - Chicken Stroganoff w/ Salad or ; Kids - Turkey Cutlets, Mashed potatoes (Shelagh just decided after 3 1/2 yrs that she likes them after I bribed her with M & Ms to try them. I knew it...how could you not like mashed potatoes?? Rory won't eat them, but he usually only eats 1 of the 3 things on his plate anyway...it will not deter me from putting it on his plate and then eating it myself off his plate later)
- Tuesday - Leftovers; Kids - Turkey Cutlets
- Wednesday - Garlicky Pork Ribs on Greens - think I bought bok choy...it called for Collard Greens, but Collards are one of the few vegetables I don't like. Kids - Chicken Sausage maybe
- Thursday - Salmon, Brussel Sprouts, Quinoa & Wheat rice; Kids - Quesadillas? Rory ate black beans the other night for the first time in a long time so I'll have to try that again quick before he forgets he likes them.
- Friday - Mexican restaurant with friends w/ kids
Movie: A Mighty Heart
As much as I should take this feeling of apathy and decide moving forward to be better about reading the newspaper, I won't. I will continue to waste my Sunday away reading Entertainment Weekly and People. And, my camp alumnae newsletter. And, playing with my kids and our nieces who slept over last night. And, watching Cars and Super Why with my kids. Productive.
Saturday Date Night: Gaslight
We started with escargot and a smoked salmon plate. The escargot was delicious...dripping in butter, garlic, and chopped parsley. There was no bread on the table and I didn't see any around on other tables so I didn't ask - my bad. Huge mistake not to ask b/c there is nothing better than dipping your bread in the leftover escargot drippings. Yum. After they took it away, she realized we were missing our bread. I wished she hadn't even said anything b/c then it was in my head. The smoked salmon was surrounded by chopped red onion, chopped egg, and capers and was topped with creme fraiche. It was very good but the proportions were off...too little salmon, too much creme fraiche. Good flavors though.
I had the Duck confit with garlic braised escarole and roasted herbed potatoes. I usually get duck at a Bistro/French restaurant b/c I never cook it at home (Joe doesn't like it and it's a pain to find usually) and I was so glad I got it here. It fell off the bone, was crispy on the outside and had a rich and yummy orange glaze. The potatoes were fine - nothing special but good. I was so looking forward to the escarole - you don't usually see it on menus. It was missing salt and I had to salt it several times...it was cooked well, but the lack of salt brought it down a notch. Generally, I was pleased though and the duck made up for the lack of pizazz in the sides.
Joe got a cuban sandwich made with fontina on a crusty looking roll with fries. I probably should have tasted it - we usually share, but I just loved mine and didn't want to mix the flavors. He loved it and was glad he got it. Usually he would have gotten lamb, but I'm making that for dinner tonight and unlike me, he doesn't like to eat the same thing 2 days in a row. We shared a carafe of Syrah to go with it which was really nice as well. I actually drank more than 1 glass plus my sparking wine starter. Big night for me! Usually I top out at 1-2 drinks and don't finish the second in favor of dessert.
For dessert we each got a decaf cappucino, Joe got creme brulee, and I got the molten chocolate cake with a vanilla sauce. The cappucinos were perfect. My chocolate cake was heavenly...really gooey inside and semi-sweet and well matched with the sauce. I didn't try Joes dessert b/c I have a problem with creme brulee...it's a texture thing...I don't like flan and only like certain kinds of pudding. I'm feeling mealy-mouthed just thinking about it.
All in all, a good meal and it was great to get out and have some time alone with Joe. We were actually supposed to go with friends, CT and PT, but CT got sick and they couldn't make it. They would have really liked the place and we haven't seen them in awhile. Plus, Joe told me that the original plan was for CT and I to get massages first while Joe and PT had drinks and then we were heading to the restaurant. How perfect would that have been???? ...Newman.
Fridays Singing Extravaganza and Saturdays Lunacy
She usually still naps for me 1 1/2 to 2 hours each afternoon, which I definintely need for me, but she is almost 4 and I think this might be the beginning of the end. I suppose I should be thrilled that she still naps at all, but now I'm used to having 2 hours to myself in the middle of the day. It really is not just for me though...she definintely still needs it. She's all wound up and sort of like the Tasmanian Devil if she hasn't rested. Yesterday, she also didn't nap and for a good 1/2 hour or so she ran back and forth along our couch saying the same phrase over and over, knocking into me, jumping up and down. Sigh.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
I've Been Accused of Being Very Negative Lately...
- I love the way Shelagh will ask me a question with a really serious tone scrunching up her face and turning up her hands as if she is really puzzled. I have to try to get this on film...it's my favorite thing she does.
- I love the way Rory says "I NOT a freshie" when asked "are you being a freshie, mr. man?".
- I love the way Shelagh spontaneously says "Mommy, you are my best best friend in the whole wide world. You are my best mommy."
- I love that when I am holding Rory and giving him
kisses, he laughs and says "AGAIN, Mommy"...his smile is huge, he gazes at me and has the best dimple. He can never get enough and neither can I. - I love watching Shelagh take care of Rory. She is such a little mommy now. If he even comes close to crying she is immediately over by him and says "Buddy, do you want a huggie? Come here, Rory, do you want to hug me?" He goes running over to her now for comfort.
- I love the look on Rory's face as he is about to cry...He has a very slow lower lip pout that is so cute. He is devastated when he is scolded or given a time out (which doesn't happen often) and there is something so endearing about that.
- Shelagh gives me my "favorite hugs" - one where she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs so tightly (after moving my huge hair out of the way) and one where she puts her arms under mine and gives me a "pat-pat" hug and gently pats my back. Heaven.
- Rory says "Mommy, you hook your hair" which means he doesn't like it when I put my hair in a pony tail. At which point I take it out and dump it upside down over his face and yell "HAIR CAVE" and he cracks up.
- I love the way a toddler learning to talk mixes up their pronouns...both my kids did that and I forgot how much I loved it until Rory started doing it. Examples: Rory would say "Shelagh hit you". Or, "You tired. You want to go to bed in your crib". He's not doing it so much anymore...it's one of the best parts of watching your kids develop language.
Anyway, I suppose I should play "I appreciate" a little more. This is a game my girlfriend, Lynn, and I used to play in high school. Have you ever gotten a headache or something and thought to yourself "I wish I appreciated it more when I didn't have a headache", because you never do. So, we made up the "I appreciate" game where we'd just rattle off all the things that we were happy were not happening to us or that we weren't feeling, etc. The above is todays "I Appreciate".
"Having Kids is Like Slowly Getting Pecked to Death by Chickens"
- Everything is a negotiation ("Shelagh, please feed the cats", followed by "Mommy, how about I read to my brother and you feed the cats? Does that sound good?")
- I am a broken record ("Finish your breakfast. Finish your breakfast, please. PLEASE, finish your breakfast. If you don't finish your breakfast, you will lose your privilages today. EAT YOUR BREAKFAST. I WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR STORIES.")
- Food likes and dislikes depend on the alignment of the planets ("But you love chicken, Rory", followed by "I not like Chicken. I like Nuggets", followed by "But nuggets are chicken, buddy", followed by "They NOT".
- Default volume setting = 20 and screaming is fun
- My daughter refuses to get dressed upstairs in the morning when everyone else does. Her new thing is eating breakfast in her jammies. By the time breakfast is done (see #2 above), we are late, I am tense, and she still has to get dressed and get her hair done. It's petty, it shouldn't bother me so much, BUT IT DOES!
- Food disguise does not seem to work with Rory. He can identify a pea buried in pasta immediately. Drives me crazy.
I really do love my kids. Just venting... :)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Super Tuesday
- No one asked me for ID
- I am registered Undecided. In Mass, that means you can vote in either primary, but not both. The primary ballots are color-coded - blue for Republican and red for Democrat. Where's the privacy in that?
- I know this probably has nothing to do with anything, but the whole station was run by old ladies. They take your address and then name and check you off in a book. They announce your affiliation out loud and ask you what ballot you want - Dem or Rep. You vote at a high table with curtains on the left, right, and front, but no curtain behind you. You hand in your ballot to more old ladies who ask you again out loud your affiliation. Finally, the ballot goes into a machine.
Seriously, have we learned nothing? How hard would it be to write a quick software program to collect voter data the same way across all states? Each state would fill in their own candidates. It could be a student project at a University. Build 1 database to store all the states data which would be output the same way. Put 4 or 5 backup systems in place to pacify naysayers and propagate. Done.
Good Bye Coin Slot
Tough Morning
Yes, I was crying all morning (not out loud, but still tearing). What a goober I can be sometimes. I think what really upset me was that I was so irritated and annoyed, but really there was nothing worth getting so worked up over. I have 2 wonderful, healthy kids and I'm too controlling. I need to learn to relax and let things go. How do people do that??? All I was thinking about was how on earth moms that have kids with special needs or other real issues keep their cool. They have real, daily, complicated challenges to deal with. The few moms I know that are in this situation do have endless supplies of patience and a well of kindness from which to draw. Sometimes I'm a real shit.
More Lost Episode 1 - Top 10 on PopCandy
Monday, February 4, 2008
Even though the Pats didn't win :( ...
Friday, February 1, 2008
Meal Planning Wk of 2/2
I made most of what I planned for last week. The pasta with leeks and sweet potatoes came out great. The chicken was good, but not a re-do. We ate those leftovers for another day and then Joe was out another night and I decided not to cook anything new. Didn't get to the steak or shrimp dinners, but I'll move those to this week since they are still in the freezer.
This Weeks Plan
- Saturday - Joe is going skiing overnight, so I'll eat the pot roast leftovers with the kids
- Sunday - Kids: Pasta & Meatballs, Me: Pasta probably since Joe won't be back until PM
- Monday - Steak, quinoa (have wanted to try this grain and just picked some up), ? veggie; Kids: Quesadilla with whatever I can sneak in there. Pureed some yellow squash so I'll try that under the cheese. Beans. maybe some quinoa or rice.
- Tuesday - Shrimp, wheat rice or pasta like a scampi, snow peas maybe?; Kids: Mac & Cheese probably
- Wednesday - Sausage & Peppers w/ Polenta (have wanted to try this too) for all of us
- Thursday - Turkey & White Bean Chili, roasted veg - cauliflower maybe? or salad for all of us
- Friday - Possible dinner out to mexican restaurant with friends and kids
Lost !!! Episode 1
- Hurley irritates me. I like him generally - good friend/good heart/generous/blahblahblah, but he still irks me
- I totally cried when Desmond told Hurley that Charlie was dead and when Hurley told Claire the same. I am a sucker, but I think that's the first time there was a moment of pause when someone died that seemed meaningful. It always bothers me on this show when people don't give nor do they ask for full explanations. I know you need to leave a lot in the air, but everything is so incomplete all the time. I feel like you never have closure on much. As a side note, Charlie annoyed the hell out of me and while I did get a twinge of sorrow when he locked himself in the room last season, I totally felt so much better about him when he told Desmond it wasn't Penny's boat.
- Sawyer is still hot
- I'm having a love/hate thing for Locke and equally for Jack. They are each on a similar trajectory, I think, but at opposite times. When Locke is bad, Jack is good and vice versa. They are both alpha males and leaders of the group, but I never stay with one for long. Jack is so arrogant on one hand, but is also trying to keep control and keep the group calm and cared for. Locke is so earnest in his faith of the island, even when he is blowing up submarines and throwing knives at potential saviours, I think his intent is the same. One is science and 1 is spirit. I'm really enjoying the joust between these 2 guys.
- Ben is so snarky. Love it. Rousseau just nailed him and it was great.
- I LOVE the flash forward. I think the Oceanic 6 make a deal to get off the island and I think the guilt is racking Hurley and eventually gets to Jack. For some reason I don't care who the Oceanic 6 are right now other than Jack, Kate, Hurley, which we know for the most part.
- I LOVE Desmond. He is likable, he is macho, he is desperately in love and worships Penny, he is passionate, he is just the best character. I can't wait to see what happens next with him and I so want Penny to find him.
- The whole Jacob thing is super creepy. I read on Pop Candy Lost comments, which are at 530 as of 4pm, that someone thought Jacob might be Christian Shepard, Jacks dad. This is one story line that I don't mind being up in the air. I like that we don't know his ultimate fate.
- Another blog specifically about Lost if you are so inclined
Anyway, that's all for now. Feel free to make comments about the episode.