*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday

I just got back from voting in the Massachusetts primary. I would just like to say that the voting process is a complete joke.
  1. No one asked me for ID
  2. I am registered Undecided. In Mass, that means you can vote in either primary, but not both. The primary ballots are color-coded - blue for Republican and red for Democrat. Where's the privacy in that?
  3. I know this probably has nothing to do with anything, but the whole station was run by old ladies. They take your address and then name and check you off in a book. They announce your affiliation out loud and ask you what ballot you want - Dem or Rep. You vote at a high table with curtains on the left, right, and front, but no curtain behind you. You hand in your ballot to more old ladies who ask you again out loud your affiliation. Finally, the ballot goes into a machine.

Seriously, have we learned nothing? How hard would it be to write a quick software program to collect voter data the same way across all states? Each state would fill in their own candidates. It could be a student project at a University. Build 1 database to store all the states data which would be output the same way. Put 4 or 5 backup systems in place to pacify naysayers and propagate. Done.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. I feel like I have to slink around with my ballot rolled up so the old ladies won't pointedly gawk at it. Then, when you slide the completed ballot into the machine, the woman standing watch makes no effort to conceal the fact that she is blatantly staring at your vote while you submit it. No privacy at all.

Kind of Crunchy Mama said...

We have the old lever machines. Ancient, but private.