*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

More Lost Episode 1 - Top 10 on PopCandy

I've mentioned before that PopCandy, the USAToday blog that I read religiously, has a huge Lost post after every episode. Whitney makes a few remarks, but it's the comments from all her readers that are the draw. I think the comments topped 600 this week and I gave up after a few pages. There are probably too many people posting in there now for it to be worth reading...Even if you want to post an original comment, you'd have to read too many to see if yours has been mentioned. Whitney picks the top 10 comments a few days later and posts those separately. Here they are and they are WORTH READING! This is why I love Lost... I have to remember to watch each episode twice.


Kind of Crunchy Mama said...

So glad it was a good episode. The rest of the season should be fun.

PopMom said...

Glad you've found my blog! I read yours all the time and I've been meaning to update my blog list and include yours. Thanks again!