*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Thursday, February 7, 2008

I've Been Accused of Being Very Negative Lately...

I prefer to think of it as sarcasm. But okay, sir, I will accept that statement as a challenge and now list my favorite things about my awesome kids...(I'm being sincere here)
  1. I love the way Shelagh will ask me a question with a really serious tone scrunching up her face and turning up her hands as if she is really puzzled. I have to try to get this on film...it's my favorite thing she does.
  2. I love the way Rory says "I NOT a freshie" when asked "are you being a freshie, mr. man?".
  3. I love the way Shelagh spontaneously says "Mommy, you are my best best friend in the whole wide world. You are my best mommy."
  4. I love that when I am holding Rory and giving him kisses, he laughs and says "AGAIN, Mommy"...his smile is huge, he gazes at me and has the best dimple. He can never get enough and neither can I.
  5. I love watching Shelagh take care of Rory. She is such a little mommy now. If he even comes close to crying she is immediately over by him and says "Buddy, do you want a huggie? Come here, Rory, do you want to hug me?" He goes running over to her now for comfort.
  6. I love the look on Rory's face as he is about to cry...He has a very slow lower lip pout that is so cute. He is devastated when he is scolded or given a time out (which doesn't happen often) and there is something so endearing about that.
  7. Shelagh gives me my "favorite hugs" - one where she wraps her arms around my neck and hugs so tightly (after moving my huge hair out of the way) and one where she puts her arms under mine and gives me a "pat-pat" hug and gently pats my back. Heaven.
  8. Rory says "Mommy, you hook your hair" which means he doesn't like it when I put my hair in a pony tail. At which point I take it out and dump it upside down over his face and yell "HAIR CAVE" and he cracks up.
  9. I love the way a toddler learning to talk mixes up their pronouns...both my kids did that and I forgot how much I loved it until Rory started doing it. Examples: Rory would say "Shelagh hit you". Or, "You tired. You want to go to bed in your crib". He's not doing it so much anymore...it's one of the best parts of watching your kids develop language.

Anyway, I suppose I should play "I appreciate" a little more. This is a game my girlfriend, Lynn, and I used to play in high school. Have you ever gotten a headache or something and thought to yourself "I wish I appreciated it more when I didn't have a headache", because you never do. So, we made up the "I appreciate" game where we'd just rattle off all the things that we were happy were not happening to us or that we weren't feeling, etc. The above is todays "I Appreciate".


Dan said...

I like the negative stuff. Makes me feel better.

Dan said...

My take is if everything is always easy with your kids and they give you no problems or cause no stress at all, it's because you are not being an effective parent. That might be simplistic, but it "easier" to just let them do what they want to do. It's much more difficult to actually have the patience and commitment to trying to parent and teach important lessons. I think of those photos of some Hollywood stars like in US or People, (you know the ones where they are walking in some park, sitting on picnic blanket or pushing a $2,000 stroller.) You know there is a nanny either behind them or at home just waiting to step in when they get tired or need to go to Pilates.

Just my take.

Anonymous said...

Dear Pop Mom. My mother directed me to your website (she reviews blogs for BlogHer) because honest to God you and I are living the same life. Note the coincidences:

--Massachusetts moms (I was in Norfolk, MA until just a few months ago when we moved to NJ. We are the only avid Patriot fans in Giants territory)

--2 kids (also older girl and younger boy--virtually same ages)

--our kids are red heads

--you and I are both 35 and work

--We have kids that do the same things almost to a tee. (and even apparently have the exact same speaking impediments). I have the same issues in the morning with my kids and get the same reactions. We have the same conversations over food at the dinner table. Too weird.

--both very interested in popular culture, tv, movies, etc. I analyze it almost clinically since I'm an academic and study culture generally

My mom honestly wondered if I was blogging in cognito when she read your blog.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

Dear Pop Mom. My mother directed me to your website (she reviews blogs for BlogHer) because honest to God you and I are living the same life. Note the coincidences:

--Massachusetts moms (I was in Norfolk, MA until just a few months ago when we moved to NJ. We are the only avid Patriot fans in Giants territory)

--2 kids (also older girl and younger boy--virtually same ages)

--our kids are red heads

--you and I are both 35 and work

--We have kids that do the same things almost to a tee. (and even apparently have the exact same speaking impediments). I have the same issues in the morning with my kids and get the same reactions. We have the same conversations over food at the dinner table. Too weird.

--both very interested in popular culture, tv, movies, etc. I analyze it almost clinically since I'm an academic and study culture generally

My mom honestly wondered if I was blogging in cognito when she read your blog.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot one other similarlity--we both have 2 neglected cats. Ours are acting out!


PopMom said...

Okay, Julie, even weirder...I'm from NJ originally. And, my cats are peeing all over my brand new play room. Glad you found me...Keep visiting!

Reed said...

I appreciate sarcasm and other women who realize and openly admit that being a mom is not all rosey moments! I'm a negative Nellie myself and I've learned not to give a damn if others do not approve :) So keep it up!