*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Blister that Shattered the Girl...and other sensitivities

When I went to pick up Shelagh from preschool yesterday, the poor thing had red eyes and had obviously been crying. Turned out she had a fever and...GASP...a blister! She slowly pulled herself up using the bookshelf she was leaning against, painstakingly hobbled over to me in the slowest and most dramatic way possible, and finally collapsed into my arms hysterical. You would have thought she had shattered all the bones in her foot judging by the way she barely managed to put the slightest amount of weight on the injured leg. Plus, the band-aid was ALL WRONG! How dare they use a crayon shaped band-aid! When we got home, it took me 5 full minutes to convince her that I wasn't going to hurt her and was just going to look at the wound. When it hit the bath water, the devastation began again. She seems to have forgotten about it today thankfully b/c the weepiness and lethargy from her fever is enough for 1 day...see post below.

Rory has some sensitivities as well. For example, today, while eating his grilled cheese for lunch, he discovered some "stems" on the edges of his sandwich. These are the drippy melted parts of the cheese that cool off and stick out. When he finds one of these "stems", he just cannot continue eating and screams for me until I promptly remove it. Could he just put it down? Of course not. Could he just realize that it's CHEESE? Of course not.

Other Shelagh things:
  • She must bring her own plate, spoon/fork, milk to the table. If you make the mistake of trying to help or set the table prematurely, you will be scolded and she will return the items in question only to repeat their delivery personally. The same goes for removing dishes before she has decided whether you may remove them for her or if she needs to put them in the sink herself.
  • She doesn't like her cheese to be broken. I keep meaning to ask the deli people to "fan" the cheese so I can peel it apart more easily. If there are no other "perfect" pieces left, she will reluctantly accept a broken cheese.

Other Rory things:

  • He needs to turn the water on and off himself while attempting to brush his own teeth. I predict future dental work will be needed.
  • He doesn't like you to put food on his spoon for him and if you do, he dumps it out and starts again.
  • While walking from the garage to the house, he has to walk a specific route making sure to walk over this square cut-out where the driveway meets the garage floor. If he misses it, he goes back. Seriously.

I'm sure I'll think of more later...The drama in this house is unreal. We must pick our battles.

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