*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This is getting tiresome...we're on week 3 with sickness in the house. Shelagh's Dr appt confirmed an infection PLUS she tested positive for strep. I should have brought both kids in when I tested for Strep. But, I didn't b/c they seemed fine and they are still showing no outward signs other than runny noses. Now I'm missing work again - 3rd time in 2 weeks. Both kids are on amoxicillin now for 10 days. My penicillin should be done by Thursday if I had actually taken all the doses. I'm terrible at that - 3 per day for 10 days is TOO MUCH to remember.

The good thing about it though is that the kids don't feel sick and we're having a fun day in the play room! We've taken out almost every toy today, played stickers, painted, watched a little Angelina Ballerina and Bob the Builder, and played instruments. The 3 of us made quite a band today - Rory on boogie-covered recorder humming b/c he doesn't get blowing into it yet; Shelagh on Harmonica with air going in AND out; and me on wood block...wish I had a cow bell. Note to self: have Santa or Hanukkah Harry add to the instrument variety.

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