*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Friday, February 1, 2008

Meal Planning Wk of 2/2

Last Weeks Results
I made most of what I planned for last week. The pasta with leeks and sweet potatoes came out great. The chicken was good, but not a re-do. We ate those leftovers for another day and then Joe was out another night and I decided not to cook anything new. Didn't get to the steak or shrimp dinners, but I'll move those to this week since they are still in the freezer.

This Weeks Plan
  • Saturday - Joe is going skiing overnight, so I'll eat the pot roast leftovers with the kids
  • Sunday - Kids: Pasta & Meatballs, Me: Pasta probably since Joe won't be back until PM
  • Monday - Steak, quinoa (have wanted to try this grain and just picked some up), ? veggie; Kids: Quesadilla with whatever I can sneak in there. Pureed some yellow squash so I'll try that under the cheese. Beans. maybe some quinoa or rice.
  • Tuesday - Shrimp, wheat rice or pasta like a scampi, snow peas maybe?; Kids: Mac & Cheese probably
  • Wednesday - Sausage & Peppers w/ Polenta (have wanted to try this too) for all of us
  • Thursday - Turkey & White Bean Chili, roasted veg - cauliflower maybe? or salad for all of us
  • Friday - Possible dinner out to mexican restaurant with friends and kids


Pixie said...

Hi, like your blog. It's funny how for Tuesday you have a great meal, Pasta Scampi or Shrimp with rice, and your kids just get the Mac & Cheese.. Sounds like what I do! =)

PopMom said...

If I was just feeding my daughter, I could probably give her almost everything I make for us. My son is SO picky and throws a monkey wrench into all the plans!