*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

$200 Orthodontist and Sushi Lunch

I have had braces twice now in my life. Once from ages 11 to 13 (along with glasses and a bad feather cut made for tough times in Jr High) and again from ages 33 to 34. It was tough being an adult with braces (who also looks younger anyway). At one point I had Shelagh who was almost 1 1/2, I was fully pregnant with Rory, my rings didn't fit by then, I had a too-short bob like hairdo and I had the braces. Looking back on it, these two time periods probably rank highest as my really tough stages in the looks department. Thankfully, all that is over now and the hair has grown out again, the braces are off and I have a semblance of my old shape back (altered permenantly from childbirth of course).

I have these permanant wires behind my front top and bottom teeth to keep them in place (and to counter my not wearing my retainers every night. You'd think I'd learn after the 1st time...). The glue on one side of the bottom one popped off last week when I ate a super chewy granola bar. I couldn't get an appointment until today and when the wire started cutting up my tongue, I ripped it out with a pair of scissors. Not as painful or bad as it sounds, but I did have to do it at work in the bathroom. Anyhoo...it has been more than a year since my braces came off and the wires went on and now it's the a la carte menu for services. I said "$200 for a little wire? Are you kidding?". He was not kidding and told me I didn't have to have it put back on if I didn't want to, but after spending a fortune in second-time-around braces and the humiliation of wearing them as an adult, I wasn't about to throw away all that work.

I drowned myself in sorrow by getting Sushi from this place next to the ortho that I love, but Joe does not like so much. We can't get Sushi take-out from them b/c of that, so I try to get it now and then on work days for lunch. It was heavenly...Salmon Nigiri, Yellow Tail & Scallion Maki and Wonton Soup. Oh yeah...best part is that they serve part Japanese and part Chinese. How great is that????? 2 truffles left after the one I just ate.

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