*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Work Bathroom Protocol

This is a shout out to my friend, C.C., who will love this topic...

What is the proper work bathroom etiquette? Does having a favorite stall trump the "don't take the stall next to another person" unspoken rule? I have a favorite stall. Stall #1 has a full wall on one side and it flushes well all the time which is more than I can say for the other 3 in there. If someone is in stall #2, should I go right to Stall #4 to allow for a 1-stall barrier between us or do I stick to my guns and head for my fave? Tough question. I've been tending to stay with mine, but I feel badly when I do that. I'm always annoyed if someone goes for #2 when I'm in there first. This is what I'm thinking about at work today...


daddysgirlsdaddy said...

Sorry to pull rank, but guys have the upper hand on this issue. The urinal line-up is many degrees more tricky to negotiate than the stalls: you have no divider most of the time, you have to stare straight ahead and awkwardly avoid conversation (made weirder with work acquaintances around whom you run out of things to say after “Hi”), and at least there’s a chance of anonymity in the stalls. [Most guys don’t recognize one another’s shoes, and thankfully, only the occasional creepy coworker leaves his ID badge visibly attached to his balled-up chinos’ belt-loop.]

There is a great “urinal test” that I remember making the email rounds a while ago. A quick Google search led me to it here: http://www.drinknation.com/urinaltest.php

PopMom said...

Touche. Point taken!

Dan said...

Reminds me of the Curb episode where LD and Richard Lewis are "checking out" Mugsy Bogues in the bathroom. Hillarious.

My favorite bathroom protocol is the obligatory cough to let someone know you are in the stall. You're basically saying don't try to open the door - in fact, coming back later would be the best option.

Recently, I was at a restaurant that featured one of the best ideas of the past 50 years - the posting of today's sports page on the wall above the urinal. Nothing makes me happier.