*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Thursday, January 10, 2008

We have Showtime!

With such an insane TV habit, I've held off on getting Showtime for a LONG time. We have a 50" Plasma TV with full cable including HBO, a DVR, and Netflix...isn't that enough? The answer...NO. Actually, the cable company called me and told me it was cheaper for me to add in Showtime than to keep what I had b/c the price was going up. What could I do? Truely I had no choice but to add it in. Of course the movie selections are mediocre on all those pay channels, but the series are what really gets me. I will watch ANY series put out on HBO b/c almost all of them are awesome (more on that some other time). I had a feeling Showtime would be the same, but resigned myself to watching those shows on DVD after the fact and attempting not to be a complete glutton.

This summer we watched Seasons 1 & 2 of Weeds and loved it. I immediately added it to my SAVED list on Netflix and just waited for the most current season to end so I could watch it after the fact. Now I have Showtime so we've been watching it through On Demand and I still love it. Kevin Nealon couldn't be any funnier. Seriously, where has this guy been? I'm not too crazy about the brother-in-law, Andy, and the youngest kid, Shane, but they are growing on me. Elizabeth Perkins is awesome too...just as bitchy as she was in About Last Night (one of my fave 80's indulgences). We're only a few episodes into Season 3, so no spoilers if you are ahead of me!

Dexter is another show we started on DVD recently. Thank you, writers strike. I really thought I'd have a hard time shaking the gloomy David out of Michael C. Hall, but he easily created this fantastic new character and just the smiles are enough to forget him from Six Feet Under. I'm totally hooked and into Season 2 On Demand as well. The Intro completely skeeves me out, though, so I always have to skip it. We're seriously watching 1-2 Dexters and 1-2 Weeds per night. Thank God there is nothing else on and my husband is such a sport about not watching sports when we're watching together. Thank you, sir.

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