*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Monday, January 28, 2008

Notes on a Scandal & Boston Home Show

Pretty mellow weekend all around. I babysat for a friend on Friday night and after the kids were asleep watched Notes on a Scandal with Cate Blanchett and Judi Dench. Really good movie about a teacher (CB) befriended by an older teacher (JD). The older teacher is strict and rigid and lonely and you get the impression she is a lesbian, but has never acted on it physically. She seems to have had emotional relationships (one-sided) with women friends in her past, but when the feeling is not returned in a deeper way, she is alone again. She has a cat and she is constantly writing detailed analysis of her friend of the moment in her journals. CB has an affair with a student and JD finds out and sort of blackmails her into a deeper friendship before CB realizes how much more she really does want. It was really good, but a bit disturbing watching CB make-out with a teenage boy. I just looked the actor up on IMDB and he's 18, but obviously he was younger when this was filmed and he looks even younger than that. It must have been weird for CB and the kids mother I would imagine. Solid movie though. I gave it 4 stars on Netflix.

Saturday night we had our Supper Club. We had the babysitter come a bit early so we could go to the Boston Home Show first. It wasn't as big as I thought, but we got some information related to driveways (pavers vs concrete stamping), solar power panels (just curious really), and kitchen design and renovation. A girl can dream, can't she?

1 comment:

Betsy Bellissimo said...

Read the book..fantastic! Check it out when you have the chance.