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Monday, January 14, 2008

I can't believe I spaced on the Golden Globes

Actually, I can. This is going to be a long one, folks. This is what I think about most and I have lots of opinions on the topic of Movie awards and over/under rating of films and actors.

I just realized while reading Pop Candy that the Golden Globes were announced last night...holy anti-climactic. While I love the process of the awards, they have 3 big flaws:

  1. Joan Rivers is no longer front and center during the Red Carpet. Let's be serious here...Joan is great and despite the fact that Melissa is TERRIBLE, I love listening to her fumble and rip on peoples outfits.
  2. They always miss really significant performances from being nominated. Of course I can't think of anything right now, but they just do.
  3. Finally and most annoying, I hate when they nominate a great actor or actress for a not-fantastic role b/c they gipped them previously - which happens all the time! Case in point - Denzel Washington for Training Day. Come on - Training Day? It was a good movie and nice to see Denzel as a bad guy, but an Oscar-worthy role? I don't think so. He kicked serious ass as Malcom X and if anything should have won of his, that should have. Do you know who beat him that year???? Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman which was a RIDICULOUS and STUPID movie. I love Al, but this was such a dumb movie and certainly not his best performance. In fact, Al winning in SOAW was another example of this phenomenon since he got gipped on Godfather I and II. I could go on forever...

Back to the Golden Globes...As usual, since I am a mom of young kids, I've only been the movies maybe 4 times this year (Shrek 3, Bee Movie, Bourne Ultimatum, and No Country for Old Men)and I haven't seen most of the nominees, although almost all are on my Netflix queue. Here are my preliminary thoughts...

Best Picture: No Country for Old Men and Eastern Promises should NOT have been nominated. NCFOM should have a few actor noms, but not for picture. EP was good, but not award-worthy. Haven't seen the others, but I'm dying to see There Will Be Blood. Daniel Day-Lewis in a film pretty much guarantees a great movie (also agreeing with me will be my friend DS who swears by him).

Best Actress: Julie Christie was amazing in Away from Her which I recently saw on DVD while Joe was out one night. I really like Sarah Polley who wrote and directed it (her first time) and it was such a great movie. The other noms seem reasonable from what I've read about those movies except maybe Jodie Foster. The Brave One seemed like a trite idea to me but whatever. I LOVE Cate Blanchett and she was gipped for Elizabeth the first time around, but having her win this time would probably fall under item #3 above. She lost that year to Gwyneth P in Shakespeare in Love. That was a little tougher of a call b/c I loved that movie and GP in it, but Cate was fantastic in Elizabeth and really should have won.

Best Actor: Haven't seen most and it seems like it was probably a tough call. But, as usual, DDL is just tops and probably totally deserved it. It's a given, isn't it?

Best Animated Film: While I think it's nice that these movies have a category, aren't there usually only 3 or 4 of them anyway? That means they all get nominated, even if they are crappy.

Best Supporting Actress: First of all, I really have no interest in seeing that Bob Dylan movie. I don't know why...there are some great actors in it and the idea is really cool. I just don't care about it. It's not even on my Netflix list, which is saying a lot since I have 180 movies on there right now. I just must say this...Julia Roberts is completely overrated and I cannot believe she is nominated again. THERE. I SAID IT. Those who know me well know how irritated I get over all the accolades she gets. Okay, I loved Mystic Pizza - who didn't? Mostly b/c of Lili Taylor of course, but a solid 80's movie. Satisfaction too - a guilty bad movie pleasure. Steel Magnolias - good. StepMom - pretty good. Pretty Woman was an ok movie and she has a great laugh, blah blah blah. Erin Brockovich was a boring movie and not CLOSE to Oscar worthy - this was one of the biggest Oscar travesties of all time - do you know who she beat out????? Laura Linney in You Can Count on Me, Ellen Burstyn in Requiem for a Dream, Joan Allen in The Contender and Juliette Binoche in Chocolate. ALL of whom should have beaten her (I probably would have gone with Ellen Burstyn - RFAD was an insanely good movie and she was freaky good. Made me think of that awesome movie Resurrection she was in way back when). This was when my I-will-only-see-your-movies-if-they-are-otherwise-highly-recommended phase with Julia Roberts officially began. (Renee Zellweger falls under that category too). More mediocre performances: Oceans movies, Pelican Brief, all those sappy romantic comedies (Notting Hill, Best Friends Wedding, Runaway Bride)...oh I'm bored just listing them out. I'm drained from this one.

Best Supporting Actor: I just wanted Casey Affleck to win. For no other reason then I just like him and Ben gets too much attention.

Best Original Score and Best Original Song: I love the Into the Wild soundtrack. I've lost interest in Pearl Jam in the last years, but loved them in and after college. I thought it was awesome that Eddie Vedder wrote this soundtrack...he seemed like a good choice for it and I just saw him on Iconoclasts with Laird Hamilton and was wondering what PJ was up to. Haven't seen the movie yet. Don't like Sean Penn b/c I think he is probably a dick (And now I don't like Robin Wright Penn b/c she married him, although 1) they are now getting divored and 2) she was awesome in Princess Bride and Gump). I will admit he does have talent though and do really want to see ITW. Glad this won for music.

I need to take a break and actually do some work today even though I'm only 1 of about 10 people at the office today. I'll post later on the TV side of the awards...


Dan said...

DDL is the best actor out there. There is really no debate. I love P.S. Hoffman, Ed Norton, Paul Giamatti, Depp and there are a bunch of others, but they are all playing for second place.

I haven't seen any of the movies which are nominated, which is no surprise. I usually don't see the until they are out on DVD. I too spent my movie theater time this year watching things like Bee Movie and Ratatouille (which I would have loved to be nominated for best picture).

The exception to that is any Scorcese movie. I make it a point to see his movies in the theater. That's about it.

I agree fully about Julia Roberts. Don't see what the fuss has ever been about.

I do want to see "the Bob Dylan movie" because I love Dylan and Todd Haynes makes some great movies.

I'm dissapointed you didn't love No Country For Old Men. I was looking forward to it.

You want to talk about Oscar snubs, how about Scorcese not winning for Goodfellas? I liked Dances with Wolves, but there was no contest. Costner? The Departed should have been at least his third Best Director award.

PopMom said...

NCFOM was good, don't get me wrong. It just wasn't as crazy amazing as it's being made out to be in my humble opinion. An excellent character study, but just too mellow for me overall.

I fully agree about Costner. I did like Dances with Wolves, but it's not even close to Goodfellas. Huge snub.