*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Not so Crafty Mom

I am not Crafty. I would like to be and have good intentions. I save Oatmeal containers, egg cartons, random cardboard and toilet paper/paper towel rolls for "future crafty projects". We have a bag of shells and a bag of pine cones that I put aside this summer and fall respectively for a project to be named later. I finally put together the kids easel that we got them last Xmas around September and they love being able to color on it with crayons and markers or paint if I'm so inclined to set that all up (not usually although I should b/c Rory LOVES to paint). THIS is why I couldn't be a full time stay at home mom. I'm missing the natural crafty gene.

I got the idea of making a felt board from GreenStyleMom a week or so ago and actually did it! Not only did I do it, but Shelagh is enjoying it! See below for proof (yes, Shelagh is wearing her PJs in the middle of the day. It's a new annoying thing where as soon as we get home from whereever we are, regardless of time of day or whether we have to go back out, she needs to be in her footie jammies). We had a fun trip to Michaels Arts & Crafts where Shelagh proceeded to pick every color felt they had (at 20 cents per piece I was a sucker and bought every color they had). I'm still not inherently crafty, but I have my moments.

PS - Goal for this weekend is to dig out the HTML book. I hate posting raw links in here and just can't remember how to adjust the code.

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