*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Friday, January 11, 2008

Why on Earth are Stride Rite shoes $48?

Am I a huge sucker or are these shoes actually better orthopedically and therefore warrant the extra cost? Somehow Target is getting the same job done for $12.99. Rory did a great job getting a shot at his 2-yr checkup today so I thought I'd reward him by making him go shoe shopping. Everyone was having sales today so I did get Stride Rites for him (No, Joe, I did not spend $48). Of course the ones I liked were not on sale, but I went for the ones I didn't like as much b/c it's ridiculous to pay full price in there on principal.

I love getting great deals for the next years clothes. A couple of times I haven't shopped ahead for one of the kids and it sucks to have to buy a whole wardrobe when they first come out for a season. Gymboree had 60% off today on some stuff. Let me just say that I have a Love/Hate thing with Gymboree. Some of the clothes are way too cutesy with all those hearts and little horses and balloons and crap (I'm not a fan of characters or animals on clothes despite my daughters current infatuation with all things Princess right now). But, sometimes they have cute striped dresses or boy rugby shirts. I refuse to pay full price in there also...you're looking at $75-100 for an outfit. But, the sales can be very rewarding. I got a couple of things for next year for both kids, nothing over $10, including an awesome rugby shirt for Rory which Joe will love.

By this point, Rory was melting down so I had to forego the 9.99 and under sale at Childrens Place across the way which was hard to do. I was tempted to tough it out and risk the full-out tantrum even though it was lunchtime, but it takes so much to make Rory grumpy and he already was...that would be really mean. He turned to me by then and said "Mommy, I tired" and put his head down on my leg...so damn cute.


KatieK said...

Hey "PopMom"! Love the blog! This is one addiction that had not garnered my attention...but you are just hitting home with me. I am cracking up in my cubicle. I will most definately be checking in...and I admit I did check out Pop Candy on your recommendation, when Lost was on...oh, and it's coming back yea!
But, I want to comment on the $48 shoes...I am all for "You get what you pay for". I am a believer...but I do have a really, really, really hard time spending that much on shoes. But, Stride Rite shoes are so damn cute! So, if you do get an actual answer, let me know, cuz I will be all over those shoes...especially now that I have a girl!

Dan said...

Buy Reebok.

PopMom said...

Shameless plug. It's not like you'll get a cut, Dan! What a company man.