*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Last 15 Netflix DVDs Watched

Actually busy at work today, but didn't post yesterday so here is a list of the last 15 Netflix DVDs we've watched and my thoughts. I'm eating a Toblerone bar while typing this. The truffles are officially gone.

  1. Marie Antoinette - Loved it! See http://mompopescape.blogspot.com/2008/01/marie-antoinette.html for longer rant on what I loved about it.
  2. Muppets Take Manhattan - Got this for the kids and watched it together when Joe was at the Patriots game. "Would you like something from the grill, Jill? No, thank you, Phil, I'm feeling ill". Good one. Plus, Rory says "HiHo, Kermit the Frog here" whenever he sees Kermit. Shelagh decided she likes Miss Piggy and was annoyed when Rory called her just Piggy.
  3. Eastern Promises - Liked it, but not as much as all the hype. See http://mompopescape.blogspot.com/2008/01/eastern-promises.html for longer rant.
  4. The Kingdom - We both liked it. It was great to see Jennifer Garner back in a kick-ass role again since Alias. Her film career doesn't seem to be really flowering, but Alias makes me a fan for life. Jason Bateman does a great snarky side-kick too.
  5. Dexter Season 1 Disc 4 - We really liked this Showtime series. We recently finished Season 2 On Demand and now I'm bummed we have to wait until next year like everyone else.
  6. Dexter Season 1 Disc 3
  7. The Simpsons - It was okay. I'm not one of those Simpsons fanatics...if it's on and I happen to flip by it, I'll watch it and usually like it. You have to admire it's staying power and the quality and currency of the writing.
  8. Waitress - LOVED this! Highly recommend. I was not a Felicity fan - just never watched it, although I might have to go back since it's J.J.Abrams and I like his stuff (Alias, Lost, MiIII). He was on Stern this morning and now I'm dying to see Cloverfield and can't wait to see Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) as Spock in the new Star Trek he's working on. I digress. All the characters were wonderful and what could have been a depressing film was actually quite uplifting by the end. Joe was watching football upstairs while I watched this downstairs, but I think a guy would like it too.
  9. Dexter Season 1 Disc 2
  10. Dexter Season 1 Disc 1
  11. Superbad - LOVED it! Joe and I watched this in the Bahamas while we were hiding under the covers of our hotel room we shared with the kids. We had headphones on and were trying to contain ourselves from laughing out loud and it was hard to do. This immediately goes into my Top 5 Comedies of all time. I'll post that list another time. (Yes, ES, What About Bob is still #1 and will probably always be in that spot.)
  12. 300 - We watched this on vacation while the kids were sleeping too. I liked it. It was violent and bloody, yes, but a good solid epic battle. It would have been nice to see this on the big screen or at an Imax I bet.
  13. An Inconvenient Truth - I liked it and I thought Al Gore was a good host for it, but I thought it was a TAD too much about him. It wasn't that much about him, but what was in there seemed extraneous to me. Just my 2 cents.
  14. Rescue Dawn - Great movie. Christian Bale is probably a guarantee at this point. He's not Daniel Day Lewis guaranteed, but he's batting high. He saved the Batman franchise and I'm pumped for the Dark Knight coming out this summer. American Psycho was fantastic if you want a good Christian Bale starting point...Or, The Machinist.
  15. Away From Her - Loved this too. Sarah Polley wrote and directed this which made me want to see it. She was great in The Sweet Hereafter, Go, and My Life Without Me. I just looked her up on IMDB and she's got a huge list of films - seemingly small and/or independent or just Canadian. She's like the new Lili Taylor or Parker Posey.

Feel free to leave your last 5+ in the comments. I love seeing what other people are watching!

PS - I know I need to add in HTML to polish things up so that the links look better. I learned HTML in grad school (Michigan, Simmons College for Library Science) and haven't used it since then (2003), so I'll have to find my little book and get on that.

PPS - The whole Heath Ledger thing makes me so sad. His daughter looks just like him and it's heartbreaking that she'll grow up without a dad now. It totally makes me think about dying and how devastating it would be to die prematurely and not see your kids grow up. Although, you'd be dead and probably wouldn't feel the devastation that thinking about it makes you fear. Hmmmm.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Weird thing about Heath Ledger. I was thinking a while back that he would be the perfect person to play Michael Hutchence in a biopic. Australian, kind of looks like him...both died too young...

Anyway, my last five movies I've watched are (on a 5 star scale):

The Queen - **** - liked it alot, surprisingly.

The Pursuit of Happyness ** - Not sure how I feel. Nice story about perseverance and all, but I kept waiting for the guys luck to change,and waiting...I started to feel like Will Smith's character watching it.

Superbad - ****1/2 McLoved it.

The Illusionist - **** Liked it very much. Giamati was great once again. He'll never top Pig Vomit but...

Capote- **** In Cold Blood is one of my favorite books. PS Hoffman was great of course.