*** finding the entertainment in everyday life ***

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Lots of Snow & Caught up on Greys

We got a nice dump of snow yesterday in New England. If I skiied more I'd be pretty excited right now. But, I haven't skiied since before I was pregnant with Shelagh (4-5 years). Rather, we have a broken snow blower and a huge driveway and Joe was at the Celtics last night. He did a bang-up job in the morning before work, but there was a good 6+ more inches when I got home. I plopped the kids down in front of a movie (Cars, of course) and shoveled the whole thing. It was a little irritating having to shovel, but then again it was exercise (I think I read it burns 400 calories/hour), it wasn't that cold out, it was nice and quiet, and I don't know how to use the snow blower anyway even if it did work.

By the time I got in, it was 7 and I hadn't figured out dinner for the kids. I tried these mini-frozen pizzas, but since they weren't triangle shaped, Rory wouldn't go for it. He had a pumpkin muffin instead (vegetable, yeah!) and that was it. I haven't been doing a good job of planning their meals lately and they've been eating crap. Rorys pickiness doesn't help matters.

Since Joe was out, I just had some pasta with a nice roasted red pepper sauce and watched the last new episode of Greys Anatomy from last week. Cried through it since it was about a baby and that gets me right away. I'm so glad McDreamy dumped Meredith...it's about time. I like the new chick, Rose, too. The actress that plays Georges mom was in Devils Advocate. She was Al Pacinos assistant, I think, and she had this super freaky devil melty face thing going on that I can't get out of my mind when seeing her in anything else. I know most people hated that movie, but I actually really liked it. Joe makes fun of me for liking it, but whatever. Keanu aside, it was great Charlize Theron and Al was pretty good too.

I also watched the last new episode of Private Practice...it's really not a good show. I don't know why I'm still watching it, but the fact that it's been in my DVR since before Xmas should tell me something.

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